Friday, May 18, 2018

Darkstalkers: Lilith (Figure)

Today's Figure Friday post is a special figure of Lilith from Darkstalkers. If you guys are familiar with Lilith's Dark Stalker intro animation, bats materialize around her body to form her clothing. This particular figure captures Lilith mid transformation so the bats haven't had the opportunity to turn into one of her boots yet. It give us a great view of Lilith's bare foot. :-D
(Various webfinds of Lilith and a special Thank yous Ashisuka and HobbyJapan for tweeting this figure out. ^_^)

During one of my tributes to Morrigan, Destiny Dueler informed me that the bats that the succubi in Dark Stalkers use are actually souls of the people she absorbed. I guess that if you are forced to have your soul absorbed by a succubus, there is a small consolation in knowing that you could the rest of eternity serving her feet if she decides to turn you into footwear. ^_^

This model is the  Splendor Love Version of Lilith released by the company Amakuni. It's scaled to 1/7 size (24.5cm). It was available for pre-order in April and should be released in September. It looks really attractive!!



  1. I don't like her that much because of her size and torn clothing.

    1. I think the appearance of torn clothing is due to her mid transformation. The bats around her transform into her clothing.

    2. I see, I never been bothered with tore clothing.

    3. I think it rarely comes up because footwear usually doesn't tear. I suppose torn socks are a possibility. ^_^

  2. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel now aren't you Triton?

    1. Lilith is a popular Darkstalkers character. I haven't used her in the past because I like her sister better but she's far from the bottom of the barrel.

    2. Most of the darkatalkrr girls are very attractive. I see this as hardly bottom of the barrel material. Excellent post!

  3. Nice be sure to check out my latest post
