Saturday, May 12, 2018

In Another World With My Smartphone: Yae Kokonoe

She's a samurai girl who had left Eashen to improve her skills and she is also one of Touya Mochizuki's (main protagonist) wives or at least his fourth wife. Personally-wise, she's a person who seriously loves her family and honoring debts and passionate about two things: sword fighting and food. During the events of the series, she decided to accompany Touya on his travels but later eventually she returned to Eashen alongside his group to save her father, brother, and hometown from a provincial war within the country, she even fought and won against Elze to see who can have Touya for a prize.


  1. She looks so cute lovely feet she has to

    1. Never seen this anime so I cannot tell my impression.

    2. So do you not want to hear more about my anime?

    3. Well you haven't responded to were i been telling you it. So i guess i'll continue here. Do you remember the last thing i told you?

    4. Good
      Well as the day going by his power gets strong and strong and. People are more afraid of him and some of kids are to then one boy make fun of him about his mother's death. And without hesitation he punched the boy in the face and fractured his skull. And since he was so pissed. That he set flames to the whole orphanage to. And one side of orphanage was in pieces. One of the people who work at the orphanage called the fire department and the cops. As they try to evacuate all the children except him cuz he's going in a Rampage. His demonic powers out of control to the point where he can't even control it.

    5. In other words, he lost control of his powers, went berserk, and destroy everything around him.

    6. Yes but he didn't kill anyone injured some of some tham. Then the woman that to him in and care for him go's in to get him and calm him down. As he screams telling her to leave and don't come near him. The black flames get thicker. She finally gets to him and grab him by the arm. But no good he tells her to let him go and toss her across. She hit her head pretty hard to the point where she's bleeding. But gets back up and runs towards him and hug him and tell him this isn't you your not a demon. through his rage he hit her in the stomach 3 times. But as he was hearing what she was saying he started reverting back to normal. And realize what he had did to her. He sees her head bleeding. He see what he did to the orphanage then starts crying and apologizing for what he did.

    7. Wow, what a tearjerking moment.

    8. She still alive. And that was the last time that every happen. He visited her in the hospital every day. And apologizing every time. And as time shut down all his emotions temporary so people treat him normal. Years past he's 18 years old in high school now with nothing strange happening to him. No strange voice. He's now been helping at the orphanage same with the kid who's skull he fractured is helping out the orphanage to. It was like everything was going to be okay or so he thought. On one day when he was leaving school he saw a girl and her face look strangely familiar he could believe it. It was the same girl he helped in the orphanage a long time ago. He ran to talk to her but she didn't remember him and she was to busy to talk. So he asked her if she ever had the time to talk that it would make him very happy. With out even notice that let one emotions out the voice started. But then he saw a kid in the road and a car was coming in full speed he moved his body and grab the kid and toss him out of the car way. But now he was in car way he had no time to move and crash! He sent flying.

    9. Ohh, was he OK after getting run over by the car?

    10. Of course he's ok if he was a normal human he would be dead. But he did get scratched up but the man in the car was hurt badly. The car was destroy. So a ambulance came and got the both of them and rush them to the hospital. But his wounds had all ready healed. The doctor took some blood samples and noticed that his blood was a different color his blood wasn't red. It was black.

    11. The woman who took care of him got the hospital quality as possible. And look at him laying in the hospital bed. But before she could go to talk to him the doctor stop her to ask her a few questions about him. He asked her is he even human and show her a sample of his blood. But she told the doctor he is human that. There's nothing wrong with him he's just a very special human and with she want to him as he pretended to sleep. They have their talk and he tells her he like stay in the hospital for just a little bit longer so people won't be suspicious.

    12. OK. Maybe little did he know, he might gave some of his demonic black blood to her.

    13. She let's him stay at the hospital. But she wants see him back home soon she kiss him on the head. And walks out the room as she leaving the hospital she see the doctor talking on the phone and he quickly gets off the phone when he see her. He asked if he's is starting at the hospital. But she didn't answer him and walked out of the hospital. It's night time now and two people sneak into the hospital looking for him.

    14. OK. I guess those two people are getting him back.

    15. What do you mean getting him back? They never met him.

    16. Oh, I thought they did. This is getting interesting.

    17. Oh i see
      The two people who are sneaking into the hospital is a boy and girl brother and sister. The reason there look for him is because they since his power. He wakes up because he since two power similar to his. So he walks out of his room. And look around the girl brother go's for him and she grab his blood bag. But it wasn't just the three of them in the hospital some more people came the people the doctor called. The exorcist came to kill him but they didn't know about the other two. As he looks around he runs into the brother. And the brother try to attack him. And the first fight being.

    18. Oh, wow, I wonder who would win.

    19. As the two of them fight. The sister noticed that there was more people so she contact her little brother. He hears her and tell her that his dealing with big brother in a fight. And he's able to knock him conscience. Because he's to weak right now.

    20. It's because the three of them are sibling they have the same farther. The two that came for him are half human and half demon to. The girl has pink flames and the boy has white flames.

    21. Maybe they want his demonic powers after what happened in his past.

    22. No they don't want to take his power they want him to learn how to control it. And they don't know anything about his past. And there mother's dead to but she commit suicide right in front of them. And they knew who there father was that it was the devil. They knew they were not normal kids so they practice on their power. And so they can kill their father. But the of them are not strong enough to be him until now. That's why they want to go find him and have him train to have his power under control.

    23. I can get the sense that this would lead to him being enrolled to some academy where abnormal children trained their abilities to be use for good.

    24. That's possible could happen but to what happened at the hospital. The sister trying to sneak away so the exorcist don't see her. But one see her and quickly attack her. She dodged his attack but dropped the black blood bag then the other exorcist summon creatures. To surround her she has no choice and use her pink flames to knock them back. And the little brother is carrying him down the stairs. And noticed the pink flames and see the black blood bag on the floor. But more importantly was to help his big sister. So he put him down and rush to help his sister and he started up his white flames. And start attacking the exorcist.

    25. Yes they ended up escaping. And taking him back to their home and wait until he woke up. As for the black blood bag they put it back in his body so he can get he's strength back. The sister made dinner. And the young brother focus on his white flames but he did help his sister with dinner when she asked him.
      I bet your wondering where they live at and why they call him big brother.

    26. Yes, I do wonder where they came from or who send them to get that kid.

    27. Well they came from not so far from him they felt his power at the orphanage when he half destroyed it. And they couldn't go get him at that time cuz he was too young and so were they. But now that they're older and they felt his power again when he got hit by a car. And so that's why they went to go get him this time because they were older and stronger. No one sent them

    28. I see. They came to him at their free will.

    29. He eventually wakes up. And the say good morning to him. And the sister give him a bowl of food he grabs the bowl slowly out of her hands. And looks at the food to see if it was poison the two realize what he was doing and told him it wasn't poison so he eats the. And she called him big brother and ask how does he like her cooking he tells her that it's really good and she very good cook. And he just remember that they kidnap him and told them to cut the stalling and tell him why they kidnapped him. And where did they take him and who are they. They got silent and just stared at him. He gets mad and throws the bowl of food on the floor which was a big mistake he made the little brother grade him and told him apologize right now real quick before things get really bad. But he used to apologize they got answers the brother look at the sister and felt her power growing.

    30. Ok. They wanted to help him.

    31. She grab his arm and tells him you want to know why we kidnapped you. Becaus there trying to help train him to control his powers. She said it with a pissed-off tone in her voice. And tells him his training begins now she's start up her pink flames in full power. And says if you don't want to die i suggest just you. Learn how to control your flames quickly.

    32. Here comes the training montage.

    33. She starts tossing flames at him. with a look on her face that spelled word death. Also during the training the Little Brother set booby traps. It took 5 days of training until he decides to apologize for what he did. And so she accepted his apology and they all decide to tell him why they kidnap him and everything else.

    34. OK, Dean, can you email your whole story onto my Gmail because I kept forgetting about it? It is

  2. Sadly the ONLY thing I like about this in this otherwise mediocre anime.

    1. I heard that the anime was lukewarm and I never bothered with it.

    2. The anime's basically what it is to Konosuba as Suicide Squad is to Guardians of the Galaxy. A poor man's version.

    3. In other words, it's a lesser version of Konosuba.

    4. Exactly. MC has ZERO characteristics or motivations, he's OP ASF, which is a bad thing, like think Saitama or Deku with no character or motivation. Except for Yae (the one listed here), who has the most character development out of everyone, everybody else is forgettable at best and mainly only exists to further the plot, the girls in particular. This anime a 4/10 at best.

    5. I see. I never seen the anime but I probably would skip it not because of your impressions but due to not much to actually do in the new world.

    6. It really DOES have little to do for an isekai anime. It's more of an SOL anime than it is isekai.

    7. One thing, I never heard much of it after the anime ended.

    8. Some reviews of other critics.

  3. Love the footwear strip. :-D Awesome post Custom.

  4. Anyone noticed the animation error?
