Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Shantae is a tribute to last month's poll winner Shantae. ^_^ Because official barefoot artwork of this cute genie is pretty limited, this tribute is heavily fanart focused. There are some brief glimpses of  her feet in the game when Shantae dons some alternate outfits such as her royal princess dancer costume and her uber popular swimsuit however. ^_^
Similar to Metroid you get Bikini shots of Shantae for completing the game quickly and getting all the collectibles. ^_^

(Various webfinds of this character. ^_^)

More Fanart from our Fetish Community. :-D

A couple of cosplay images can be found here too. :-)

Shantae is the half genie protagonist of the Shantae videogame series. She is the guardian of the village of Scuttle Town and uses her powers and skills to protect her home. As a half genie hero...Shantae has a range of cool abilities. She can use her hair to attack enemies ala Rapunzel. She has a magical set of dance moves that she can use to teleport and transform. Each of her transformations seem to give her special skill such as a mermaid, dryad, and succubus. She has a variety of magic spells and she also has some fighting skills.

Personality-wise, Shantae seems really kind and friendly. She seems like a very sweet character. When I was working on this tribute. I was surprised by just how much foot related artwork is available for her. She's definitely really popular. It's understandable because she is really sexy. Like a lot of last month's voters, having this genie rest her feet in my face would definitely be wish fulfillment.:-)

Until next time guys!


  1. Nice post, man. I always dig her dancer outfit.

    1. :-D Thanks Shadowmandude. Yeah her Dancer outfit rocks.

  2. Feet and Tummies are always my kryptonite

    1. :-D That combo is really great. Plus Shantae is a belly dancer so she knows how to be extra seductive with her stomach.

  3. I do like her and I planned to play the Shantae series later this year.

    1. :-D It seems like a really fun series.

    2. It looks like it for a platformer.

    3. Yes... Gameplay looks pretty challenging but fun as well.

    4. I couldn't decide which system is best for Shantae.

    5. PlayStation 4, Wii U, PS Vita, and PS3. What about you?

    6. :-D All cool systems. If they have a version for vita and it's a good adaptation. I would get that because it's portable.

      I have a PS4, PS3, 3DS, 360 and then some older system than those.

    7. Same with me. I got an Wii, PS2, PSP and GameCube. So go with the Vita version of Shantae?

    8. Yeah... if the gameplay is the same and the adaptation is good ... a portable version is your best bet because you can take it anywhere.

  4. Beautiful design, but her games are ‘meh’.

    This series would flourish is Ubisoft took over.

    1. :-D I've only seen video clips of the game online so I haven't really tried the series out myself yet. It looks like fun gameplay.

      I do love the Prince of Persia series so I can picture Ubisoft doing a good job with it if that were to happen. ^_^

  5. got to love it when i get a wish granted without wasting a wish

  6. Wow. that's crazy, I can't believe she got the more votes than the other popular women on the poll.

    1. Yeah she managed to knock out a lot of attractive purple haired women to claim this one. ^_^
