Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Perfect Insider: Shiki Magata

Shiki Magata is an extreme genius computer programmer.  She was accused of murdering her parents when she was fourteen. She was found not guilty due to her psychological condition and claimed that a doll killed them.  She lives in a secure room in a research lab on an isolated island.  For fifteen years she stayed in a room that no one else ever entered and she never left, she was in there when the murder occurred.


  1. I heard about this anime but never watched it.

    1. Really? I might check it out just to see if you're right.

  2. I got your message Paganax you can post Kirino seeing how you got more images of her

  3. Replies
    1. These are from throughout the series, she's barefoot in almost every episode.

  4. :-D Always love a smart girl. ^_^ She seems like a great character. :-)
