Sunday, May 6, 2018

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby: Special Week

Special Week is well known for her bright character and positive thinking. She tries hard in everything she does and has an invincible fighting spirit. Despite being frustrated sometimes she would never give up. These are from the first 5 episodes.


  1. I'm going to watch this anime. And is that her real name special week.

    1. Well i guess it makes sense she is a horse after all.

    2. She and all the other horse girls in the anime are based off their real-life counterparts.

  2. Wow, her feet look pretty. I will check this out.

    1. It gave me idea on my anime for one of my characters

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Are you saying this gave you an inspiration of your characters?

    4. In a way yes because one of my characters has the Spirit of the horse.

    5. I see. Dean, you might be proud to see a similar character come to your life.

    6. Thanks
      All so i hope you know why i can't say the name of my anime just yet.

    7. I'm glad you understand and if like i can about my other anime

    8. What is it? I want to know.

    9. My second anime has to do with a half human half demon boy.
      But the story starts off with his mother be for he was born. With her run because she going to be late for her first day of work as a nurse at a hospital. But bumps into a strange man that is the Devil himself. He helped her up and apologize to her for making her fall. And as she looks at his eyes her heart skip a beat. And she completely forgot that she was going to be late for work.

    10. I think it sounded a bit like Devilman or Inuyasha.

    11. Never seen Devilman and it's really different from Inuyasha.
      But she quickly realized that she was going to be late for her job and thank him and run off. The clock was taking and she wasn't going to make it in time. But the Devil he makes a spell to make time move back so she makes it on time. As she gets there she makes a scene crying her eyes out say she's sorry for being late and asking not to be fired. The lady at the counter tells her she not late that she on time and the doctor waiting for her in the room. She passed and can continue to work there as she leaving a familiar face appears. The strange man but with a smile on his face.

    12. This feels like a riddle to name that anime you got into. Because I don't know what it is.

    13. I'll tell you more when i get back home.

    14. Please do because I already have no idea what it is.

    15. Okay i'm back
      I'm going to skip part when they go on a date and get married.
      After all that happens there son is born. When he was two years old. The Devil left and never came back. It was just him and his mother. Days past he's five years old. His mother still with him but she got really sick. Because every day her son went to school. She would all ways white for the love of her life to. Come back she didn't eat she missed work. But she still would take care of her son. But one day he came home from school. And found her laying on the floor. She wasn't moves or breathing.

      Of course you what happened.

    16. This feels like a dream you had.

    17. Well good thing his mother had a friend that would come and visit the two of them. And she work at a orphanage to. She see the door wide open. And call the cops and run in to the house to see if everything okay. But when she gets inside she see him crying and her friend on the floor. She grabs him and holds him close to her. Soon the cops get there they ask questions and take the the body away. She told the cops that he can stay with her at her orphanage were she can take care of him so that her friend know that he would be in good hands. So he stated with his mother best friend. He got to meet other kids that who were older than him and younger than him to.year past he's on ten years old. And this is when weird stuff start happening to him. And when he meets the love of his life a girl who was getting picked on three big boys tossing her toy doll that was given by her dad be for he pass away. The toy doll was an angel that would sing a sweet song when ever she got scared. So he walked up to them and ask them to give it back to her but instead of giving it back to her one of them toss it up on a telephone pole that had nails sticking out.

      That's all for now i'll tell you more soon.

    18. I don't know what is this or who are you talking about.

    19. Did you forget that i was telling about one of my anime?

    20. Oh, no. When did you last saw it because it is completely new to me.

    21. Dude i haven't seen it because it's an anime i'm making.
      And i was talking you about it. Did you read what i been telling.

    22. Sorry, I guess this is your story of how it would look in an anime.

    23. It's okay so do want me to continue to tell you what happens nexts.

    24. Yes, I want to hear what's next. Where does your story takes place?

    25. It's the same anime story with the half human half daemon boy. She mother died and now he stays at a orphanage with his mother best friend . He's now ten years old and help a girl get back her toy doll angle that was given to her dad before he died.

    26. Yeah it's very sad. And she doesn't know who her mother is. When she was three she was told that her disappeared. And was never seen again.

    27. How pitiful she was, I'm assuming this story will have a sad ending.

    28. I meant her mother disappeared and was never seen. But to story.
      So he helped get back her toy doll angle from off the rooftop and give it back to her. She smiles and tell him to come closer to her. And give him a kiss cheek. And run off he goes back inside the orphanage but then start happening a strange man voice in his head tell him to let his power out and kill them all.

    29. I'm thinking that his demonic powers are controlling his emotions since he doesn't want to kill any of his loved ones.

    30. I had heard that part many times before so I'm was wondering how could he maintain control.

    31. Well he doesn't lose control yet right now it's just Phase one. All it is just a voice phase two gets worse than phase three is when he hurt someone he cared about.

    32. How would it end for him? Would he face against the new enemy?

    33. The new enemy face against that happens on season 2.
      But the girl he helped gets taken in by family of exorcist. After that phase two starts and the voice come back hearing it feels him with rage than black flames are on his body. But small flames for now.

    34. Now it started to be like Blue Exorcist with Rin.

    35. Not really in blue exorcist Rin mom knew who she fell in love with she knew it was the Devil and she die give birth.

    36. Well some of the kids see the black flames around his body. And they get scared and then one of the other people who work at the orphanage see him and call him a demon boy. And that piss his demon side off. The voice tells him to kill them but he resist it for now. And then his mother best friend came to see what's going on. And see him crying and she walks up to him. And holds him close to her she wraps her arms around him and tell him everything going to be okay. He told her that they called him a demon boy. And she tells him that he's not a demon boy that he's a kind sweet boy. She kiss him on the him on the head and wipe the tears away.

    37. I remember an episode from Darling in the Franxx where Zero-Two was called a monster since she looked like a demon child and she hated that.

    38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Really love this anime! And seeing Spe-chan's feet! Every week's a special week!
