Friday, June 29, 2018

Beach Girl Selfie: Kyoko

This seems like a good figure for summer. ^_^
(Various webfinds of this Figure)

This model is 1/6 size  300mm in height. As far as I know, this figure is an original character and not from an anime or Manga itself. It is definitely designed to look as sexy as possible. A blonde dressed as maid in a swimsuit is pretty much a triple threat. If you're a Meganekko (enjoy seeing girls wearing glasses), it is pretty much fetish overload. I think that the feet of this model are well designed and look really nice. I also like the splash effect at the bottom capturing the moment her foot hits the water perfectly.

Ok everyone that all for today. Have a great weekend and as always... more to come soon!


  1. Would like to meet her on the beach.

    1. Yeah would love to meet her too. ^_^ ... She looks really hot!!

    2. She doesn't look hot at all.

    3. Yes, because of that, I can't take her seriously. Only they could shrink her cup size to a reasonable size.

  2. I don't like her because of her abnormal breasts but her feet are nice.

    1. Well it’s anime so theirs always going to be over exaggerated breasts.

    2. More like ecchi and hentai for that matter.

    3. What's wrong with big breasts girls? They are beautiful.

    4. Some extremely busty girls are not that good looking and are too ugly to look at.

    5. Doesn't that bother you or at least, make you uncomfortable with abnormal sized breasts or oversexualized women? I mean, there is a limit of how much you can take.

    6. It's anime so no it doesn't bother me if it was a real person than yes.

    7. Then why this doesn't matter to you in anime as opposed to in real life?

    8. Because an anime is a fiction thing so and they never look ugly.
      But in real life now that looks ugly when a woman has big breasts like that.

    9. It is not that good to be honest to have monstrous breasts like these. Don't you think that realism is a bad thing in anime?

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. No I don't think it's a bad thing anime because it's fiction not real. Some girls in anime deserve big breasts it's a beautiful thing.

    12. How can that be a beautiful thing? Not every girl in anime needs big breasts to be attractive.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. I never said all anime girls need big breasts. There's nothing wrong with some anime girls having big breasts. some guys like it it's.

    15. I think for anime/videogames characters exaggerated physical features work pretty well. Not with every character but in this case I definitely enjoy them quite a bit. :-D

    16. How is this good, KingsSideCastle? Why isn't this a bad figure of her? I mean, not every female character needed to be designed like this to the point, it looks ugly and not that good. What is the point of all of that?

    17. The figure's designer intended the figure for people who like seeing women with larger cup sizes (which encompasses a large fandom) but there are a lot of other sexy things that he took into account too. Swimsuits and Maid costumes are definitely really hot so it made for a nice double combination with her. Her blonde hair also is a big draw for me as well. ^_^

    18. Do you like ecchi and hentai, KSC? Is there any female character you don't like or hate?

    19. Sometimes depends on what material they incorporate. :-) Yes.

    20. Something tells me that you don't hate anything no matter what it is, KingsSideCastle. I mean, you can't like everything.

    21. You think so?... That is true. ^_^

    22. Yes, because there's always something to dislike.
