Saturday, June 16, 2018


Is there a limit to how many posts you can put onto this blog? I'm not talking about how many posts you make in one day but how much you can put in this blog like what is the maximum number of posts on this blog? I'm asking this because it feels like this blog can go on forever non-stop without pause. If there aren't any more characters to find in any format like video games, anime, or cartoons, then what are you going to do about it?


  1. Thanks though but I guess it's best to take your time

  2. I think the only real limitations are time and energy. There are millions of characters and scenes from anime, videogames, cartoons and comics out there and more of them continue to appear. Even if there were hundreds of us posting every day... we would never be able to get to all of them. It's best to just have fun with it and post what you can when you want without getting too stressed out. Just go at a pace that is comfortable for you.

    1. I noticed that were some posts were blank despite the facts that they were shown pictures there, what happened?

    2. After Bambino left he took all his images with him back in the day he was a big time contributor here until 💩 hit the fan

    3. I see. Can I revive some of them?

    4. I’ve been doing that since I got here

  3. If you want my honest opinion, I don't see an end. At least not yet. There are still thousands, if not millions of animated feet you've yet to explore. Unless EVERY female animated feet is found, or if this blog were to shut down, whichever comes first, I don't see a reason why there should be limits or to even stop.

    1. So this blog just scratched the surface on animated feet?

    2. I guess so. Of course, should we run out of female feet to look at, there's always male animated feet.

    3. Do you think male animated feet is good as female feet?

  4. Tanya from Garfield: Babes and Bullets and Mousey Galore from Pinky and the Brain: From Russia with Lab Mice, please?

    1. Give me some time to recover. This post here is me asking are there any limitations to posting female animated feet here.

  5. I don't think there is a limit to it as far as I know. I definitely haven't come across it yet. ^_^

    1. Yeah... The only limitation I'm aware of is photo space but they give you a lot of gigs of space for them.

    2. I know some computers cannot hold as much space on photos.
