Thursday, June 28, 2018

Masamune-Kun's Revenge: Tae Futaba

Continuing with the Masamune-Kun's revenge set, the next woman up is the class representative for Masamune's class Tae Futaba. :-)
(Images are from the Masamune Kun No Revenge anime episodes 2, 6, 7 and 8)

Tae is a really cute character. She is smart, hardworking and really attractive. She's also a member of the school's swim team so she's both intelligent and athletic. She seems pretty playful too and flirts with the lead of the series a bit. She also has a bit of a kinky side as evidenced be her gleefully organizing a Yaoi production of Snow White for her school festival. She can be really competitive as well

Tae is more of a side character in this anime so she doesn't have a lot of scenes involving her. She was so pretty though that I found myself automatically focusing on her during the scenes she was in. She is a fun character and hopefully we will get to see more of her in the future!



  1. Replies
    1. Want to rub them? I bet you would enjoy soft feet.

    2. Yeah, the softness of a girl's feet really is relaxing and comfortable to touch.

    3. Who do you think has the softest feet, KingsSideCastle?

  2. You can easily mistaken her as an boy due to her short hair.

    1. :-) Yeah but if her chest is in the shot it becomes clear which gender she is. Her breasts are relatively large.

    2. Yeah, if that person's busty then that person is s female.

    3. Would you like to touch her breasts, KingsSideCastle?

  3. Oh wow her feet look lovely great post KSC.
