Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Multiple Parts

Some female characters I am doing have more foot scenes than one post can handle, I sometimes break the post into different parts as opposed to all of them in one so I can save some for later. The reason I am telling you this is because trying to capture every foot scenes in every episode is no simple task and I have to get them all organize before they would be clustering the post and ruin it completely.  


  1. That is perfectly fair, you do what you gotta do.

  2. Replies
    1. I mean, some girls I'm doing have so much foot content and I had to break in into different parts. I was asking for your permission, KingsSideCastle.

    2. OK, I thought everything had to be in entire one post per character.

    3. No...divide them up however you wish. :-)

    4. OK, I hate to put everything in one post due to how much work can be done, gifs included.
