Saturday, June 30, 2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Princess Zelda

June is almost over, and we shouldn't ignore this one, should we?

For Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the next game in the series, to be released in December, the director decided to catch up with the times and no longer have Link, Zelda and Ganondorf in the same Twilight Princess style, so Link's appearance will be this time from Breath of the Wild, Ganondorf's will once again be from Ocarina of Time, and Zelda's... is this gorgeous adaptation from A Link Between Worlds, 3DS sequel to A Link to the Past.

Enjoy! Might update with official screenshots from the official blog if any.

Who'd have known? No ALBW artwork even shows her footwear, so either it's an awesome liberty taken by the Smash staff, or the source material specified that she'd wear something like this behind her skirt :)

In case you've ever wanted to see other specific versions of Zelda barefoot, be ready as alternate costumes will more or less grant you that wish.


  1. I was gonna do here when Smash came out and I’d snap shots with my switch

  2. I'm already hooked with Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Switch. The game will bring back every character in the entire franchise.

  3. Yes, this version of Zelda is just adorable.

  4. So awesome. Zelda's feet are looking really good in this game. :-D

    1. How can you missed my Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card post?

    2. It should have a comment on it now. ^_^

    3. Ok, but did everybody missed out on my posts or at least continue commented on them. It gets annoying if no one there.

    4. Should give at least 24 hours. It takes some time for people to see it.

    5. Yeah, still, quite annoying to not commented on posts.

    6. You just have to a little bit more patient.
