Thursday, June 7, 2018

Taking Breaks

Do you guys ever take a break from posting on this blog so you can rest up? What happens if nobody posted here for one day or week? I mean, how can you have the time to find interesting girls and put them here?


  1. Yeah I've had to take breaks from the blog due to work and come back to it at a later time. It's normal and I think that every blogger does it at one time or another. I've been really lucky though that other posters have kept the blog going while I'm gone and we've managed to support each other very well. :-)

    1. I wondered if the blog has no posts within a day but continued on the next day.

    2. It has happened before and potential could happen again. Gumball has done an amazing job of posting daily though so we've been really lucky that it hasn't happened for awhile. Have to really give him a lot of props for keeping the site going this year. :-)

    3. I see, if it wasn't for GumballW, this site would have died ,right?

  2. Yep, a lot of them have taken long breaks, sadly some that have never appeared again, they either vanished or quit.

    1. So there are others like you guys who posted here before in the past.
