Saturday, July 28, 2018

After War Gundam X: Yurina Sonohara

She's a piano player from a small bar, and a member of a resistance group who is fighting against the New United Nations Earth in South East Asia. While she was playing at the bar Roybea hang out in, she has a brief relationship with him, who had ran away from the Freeden because he doesn't want to get involved in fighting. She recognized Roybea as one of the pilots from the Freeden and had hoped to convince him to join the resistance force and her feelings changed as she started to actually cared for him, and decided that it is wrong to make him fight for something he doesn't believe in. Sadly, minor spoilers: she only in two episodes before she was shot by a N.U.N.E sniper and fatally wounded after saving Roybea while escaping from an attack from the New United Nations Earth forces. This is from Episode 27.


  1. :-D Another beautiful female Gundam character for me to admire. ^_^

    1. Are you OK loving dead characters?

    2. I think of it as more admiring the characters themselves not loving someone that is dead.

    3. Do you feel that female characters you admire had died would be pointless to talk about?

    4. :-D I think they are interesting to talk about especially if they have had an exciting storyline.

    5. Even though they can be short-lived and how can you still have so much to say despite the very short length in storylines?

  2. This Gundam doesn't look that it's interesting.

  3. Is she bottomless or does she have panties on?
