Sunday, July 1, 2018

DC Comics: Talia al Ghul

Talia al Ghul is the daughter of international terrorist Ra's al Ghul. This makes her a member of the League of Assassins. Ra's has determined that Batman is most worthy to father his heir, and Talia views Batman as her beloved. They were briefly married. In her early adventures she was not evil, but very loyal to her father. Eventually her actions turned truly villainous and she became one of the world's greatest criminals. Her child with Batman is Damian Wayne, who later becomes Robin. She has also been a member of Leviathan, LexCorp and The Society. Talia al Ghul was created by Dennis O'Neil and Bob Brown, first appearing in Detective Comics #411. (1971) 


  1. Replies
    1. Did you see my Cardcaptor Sakura post? Nobody commented on it.

    2. Oh yes... was going through the posts in reverse order from newest to oldest. There should be a comment on it now. :-)

    3. I'm a bit irritated when nobody commented on it. What's going on?

    4. Honestly there was too much socks not enough feet

    5. What's wrong with socks, GumballW?

    6. Custom
      I'll comment, but you can't expect all of your post to get a comment, sometimes there's not much to say or some just choose to view it and nothing more.

      It's nothing to be irritated over, just keep making more and you'll get a few from time to time.

      No offense, just a word of advice, I used to be the same way when nobody commented on my vids and art posts anymore, I thought I did something wrong and got irritated too.

    7. Just keeping more and hope for the best, or make posts of characters people will be the most familiar with and maybe do another request post to what others might want.

      To get people into my original works, I had to stop and take request and do fanart to gain a proper boost.

    8. So you have to do characters that are very well known as opposed to obscure ones?

    9. Mostly, but obscure ones help as well, it's a good way to get people into some underrated gems that deserves more praise, like Keijo for example.

    10. I see, I had seen some obscure and underrated gems.

    11. Good, hope that was helpful enough.

  2. Talia al ghul is so hot and sexy in that outfit
