Sunday, July 22, 2018

Detroit Become Human: Kara

Today's tribute is to the Detroit's female lead Kara. Kara is one of 3 android that the player controls in the game. Sadly we don't get to see much of Kara barefoot in the actual game (that I'm aware of) however the trailers for the series have some really good closeups of her feet. ^_^ 
Some Animations
Extended Animation available here.
Also some pictures of her actress Valorie Curry for good measure...
(Various Caps from Detroit and Webfinds of Her Actress)

Kara is android attendant who gains sentience when she sees her owner Todd abusing his daughter Alice. To prevent Todd from hurting the Alice, Kara runs away with the girl. Over the course of the game Kara becomes sort of mother figure to Alice. 

Detroit has several different outcomes based on a player's decisions in the game. Not only can each of the player controlled characters wind up killed but the characters the player interact with can be killed as well. For example in Kara's story arc she may not be able to keep Alice safe and if the player isn't careful enough the girl can be killed off as well. One of the games darker endings even has Kara wind up as a robotic slave to a sadistic master. The wide range of outcomes has a result of making a gamer heavily invested in the game's characters. Kara comes across as incredibly sympathetic in the game and I found contemplating each decision heavily trying to protect Kara and the characters around her. It should be also noted that the other player controlled characters (an android police investigator named Connor and an android activist named Marcus are equally as compelling and it was really exciting progressing through each character's storyline particularly when the player controlled characters cross paths with one another.

I really recommend this game very heavily. It is really good. I originally got this game because I enjoyed other games that Quantric dreams had released such as Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain. The trailers didn't completely convince me that I would enjoy this  but it is so much better than the trailers let on. The action was nonstop and you kept wanting to continuing each of the storylines as they each got more and more intense. By the climax of the game when I was controlling all three android as they attempted to survive a chaotic riot I completely understood why this game had been picked as the best for 2018. An epic storyline, complex and compelling characters, cute female androids :-D ... it really is a must play. :-)

Ok that's all for now. As always more to come soon!


  1. If only Android 18 was barefoot more often like these androids

    1. Yes definitely. Here's hoping that she shows her feet some more in the future. :-)

    2. How much do you want to see her feet?

    3. Are you good at foot massages?

    4. Because I studied them a bit and since I enjoy giving them I can rub feet for an extended period of time without getting bored. :-)

      What about you? Do you like giving foot massages?

    5. Yes, I do, I taught myself how to to massages and studied out to keep an person relax without getting them more pain. I mean, I do it quite slowly and carefully to not tickle the person. Foot massages are my favorites.

    6. What techniques would you use for massages?

    7. I would apply pressure the right on areas on each foot and try to rub them in soothing motions. :-)

    8. How long does it take to rub a foot depending on how big or small it is?

    9. I think it varies from person to person. I think some people can relax more easily than others. Others might enjoy having their feet rubbed for hours. :-)

    10. What is your maximum limit to how long you can rub an person's feet?

    11. I think more than a few hours might be overkill. :-)

      I think if she is relaxed enough to fall asleep than it is a good massage. ^_^

    12. So that would mean you would massage her feet until she falls asleep happily relaxed?

    13. I will do the same. Girls are more into relaxation than boys.

    14. Why are girls are more into massages than boys?

    15. I don't know. They like beauty care and visiting Spas.

    16. Unlike us boys who are more dirty. I know girls can be like boys.

  2. I'm getting some Ghost in the Shell vibes with this game. Can androids have human sweat?

    1. I think they can depending on how realistic they are made to be.

    2. Like for example? If they can take showers like humans do without short circuit?

    3. I think the robots in the game have that ability. :-D

    4. Yeah... Chloe is shown swimming so she is clearly waterproof. Kara also is shown getting wet in the rain. ^_^

    5. Would you rub her feet despite being an machine?

    6. Yes. ^_^

      The game actually surveys the players on whether or not they would sleep with a robot. Most gamers said they would in the survey. :-D

    7. How would they feel compare to an human's?

    8. I think you wouldn't be able to tell they weren't human. The androids in this game are incredibly realistic.

    9. Yes. ^_^ They have an LED like on the side of their face but they can remove it and it would be very hard to tell they were an android by looking at them.

    10. Unless they had wires or gears inside of them.

    11. In this game they do but they are internal and not visible on the outside. :-)

    12. Then what are they aside being androids?

    13. I think they are sentient androids so they have feelings and thoughts.

    14. Yes. The game has you sympathize with the sentient androids a lot. :-)
