Thursday, July 26, 2018

Gundam Wing: Relena Darlian

Ok today's post is tribute to female lead in Gundam Wing Relena Darlian aka Relena Peacecraft.  :-)
Lucky Dog. ^_^
An Animation

(These are a combination of webfinds and one of the Gundam Ending Sequences)

In the Gundam Wing series, Relena is the romantic interest of the main character the Gundam Pilot Heero Yuy. Relena is the heir to the Sanc kingdom. She eventually becomes the Queen of Sanc in the series. Relena is extremely kindhearted and a natural politician. She has great communication skills and is able to rally people behind her. :-)

Gundam Wing was my first exposure to Gundam Animes. These series storylines are heavily rooted in politics and warfare. Battles in these type of shows are quick and fast but they tend to be done with a lot of style. The draw to these series is the Mobile suit outfits (Gundams) which always look incredibly cool. Another area where Gundam series shine are their compelling characters. They are complex and usually beautifully animated. In Relena's case, she is really cute and I like her a lot. 

Gundam women tend to wear boots very often due to the fact that a lot of episodes take place in space and female characters are often wearing uniforms. It makes the rare times a woman is barefoot in these anime shows all the more special. This is certainly true in Relena's case. It is such a treat to see her with her boots off. :-)

Ok everyone that's all for now... as always more to come soon!


  1. I had seen Gundam Wing back in 2013 along with Neon Genesis Evangelion and Fafner, it was pretty good even though Wing was not my first Gundam series like everybody else, Double-O was my first in 2008, which I heard it was an spiritual successor to Wing.

    1. I caught the the last quarter of the series when it aired on Toonami and the saw the follow up movie Endless Waltz. Oh that's nice I still have to watch Double-0 myself. :-)

    2. Please do, I love 00 and that Gundam series got an movie sequel, A wakening of the Trailblazer, in 2010, and I had seen that to.

    3. :-D Wow that's awesome.

      My Favorite Gundam suit is also in this anime. It was used by both the main character of Gundam Wing and Ralena's brother.

    4. You mean Epyon? I know that mobile suit.

    5. Yup. :-) I actually built the HG for that one too. It was the first model I ever assembled.

    6. Yeah. ^_^ It's my favorite model because of the chain whip weaponry.

    7. I know. Too bad it is the whole weapon of that mobile suit.

    8. I prefer Wing Zero because it has more weapons.

    9. Yeah...I really like the dark red though. I think Epyon also has a sword in addition to the chains.

    10. I know. Both that and Wing Zero are powerful.

    11. Both do have the ZERO System.

    12. Since you seen Wing, you know what the ZERO System is.

  2. I want Relena to rub her soft feet onto my exposed tummy, it will be a lot more fun.

    1. Yeah me too. :-) That dog really lucked out.

    2. Yeah, I know. I'm jealous of that dog, KSC.

    3. Would you replace that dog and be the one who get his tummy rubbed by her lovely feet?

    4. Her feet are soft and gorgeous, they must be rubbed by us.

    5. I bet they smell nice and soft to touch. What about you?

    6. What do you think of her foot smell?

    7. Possibly... they could smell flowery like you thought too. ^_^

    8. Those are nice... how about Jasmines?

    9. Those are nice, too, but what about Gardenias and sweet peas?

    10. Both nice. :-) What about chrysanthemums?

    11. They're good, what about Gayfeathers?

    12. That's good, how about violets? No, how about all of the sweet-smelling flowers in existence on her feet?

    13. These are good too. Yeah that would be really good. :-)

  3. And suddenly everyone in this blog is jealous of that dog

    1. I'm not jealous. Why should i be jealous?

    2. Don't you want to have your tummy to be rubbed by her feet, Dean?

    3. Not really I'd rather be under her foot.

    4. I think that I would be happy if she rubbed her feet all over me. :-)

    5. Custom 958, what i mean i don't just want her foot on my face I want her foot on my whole body.

    6. Dean, her feet rubbing all over your body to feel the softness?

    7. What makes soft feet so special to you?

  4. I never really watch this series, but these are nice collection shots.

  5. I found Relena to be quite strange and to certain extent crazy whenever it came to Heero.

    But given what she's gone through when she got caught up in the warzone, I began to like her a lot when she was on her own, as she grew stronger,more independent, and helped give Hero a reason to keep living.

    Might never happen,but I hope they one day animate the novel,where all ends well for them.

    1. That sounds like a good analysis of her. I think Heero tends to be a little quirky too but that is also understandable because of his background.

      Yeah I would love to see them animate the novel too. ^_^

    2. I heard Frozen Teardrop was awful.

    3. Yeah, that manga was treated as an bad fanfic.

  6. Lucky dog. I really wish I could switch places with it.

    1. Yeah it looks like she took off her boot and sock just to play with him with her foot.

  7. What gundam does she ride?
