Tuesday, July 31, 2018

My Top 10 Waifus

Honorable Mention

Nami (One Piece)

Although I love big feet and Nami has really big feet, that's pretty much her only feature and dosen't have anything else that my Top 10 possesses so let's just call her my Number 11.

10. Cammy White (Street Fighter)

Now I've never played Street Fighter outside of Ultra Street Fight II: The Final Challengers but DAMN those legs and ''assets'' I bet their are strong feet inside those boots waiting for a massage. If more Street Fighter games come out for the Switch i'm definitely gonna be maining Cammy.

Best Foot Scene

9. Ty Lee (Avatar the Last Airbender)

When it comes to Avatar girls most people think of Katara but most people where probably enjoy the barefooter Toph but for me Ty Lee takes it for best girl in the Avatar universe. She's super cute, and bubbly and outgoing, yet slightly airheaded I like girls like that. For those who know me my 2nd biggest Kryptonite are tummies and she's got a sexy looking tummy.

Best Foot Scene

8. Sam (Totally Spies!)

Without a doubt my favorite spy. I used to watch this show alot and I was always into same. I know alot of people liked Clover but nope I was Team Sam all the way. Why couldn't the giantess ray, Cat Transformation and Yeti Transformation happen to her? What makes Clover so special. As for her feet I would gladly massage them after every mission.

Best Foot Scene

7. Dawn (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)

My favorite of Ash's female traveling companions. Even though I grew up with older days of Pokemon Misty just didn't do it for me until later and even then I still like Dawn better. The first episode of the Diamond and Pearl set the stage for my enjoyment for this character. I've always had dreams of taking her boots off and smelling them. Keep in mind I was 12-13 when this anime came out because she's 10. Why does Pokemon keep drawing their 10 year olds like teenagers I can't be the only one thinking this.

Best Foot Scene

(I couldn't choose between these 2 lovely scenes)

6. Téa Gardner (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

My 2nd favorite anime next to the original Pokemon anime has to be Yu-Gi-Oh! Tea was the biggest turn on for me she was the most beautiful character on the show. Unfortunately the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime is one of foot scenes biggest c*ck teases because we barely get anything regardless who's the current Yu-Gi-Oh! girl. But still she can summon my Giant Soldier of Stone any day.

Best Foot Scene

5. Maron (Dragon Ball Z)

Although not a big character in the Dragon Ball anime I find her to be the sexist. Basically she's everything I love about Ty Lee but with a more attractive body.  Yajirobe was one lucky S.O.B for having the pleasure of her putting her beautiful foot in her mouth. Krillin may had rejected you but I wouldn't

Best Foot Scene

4. Amalia (Wakfu)

Even though i'm not the biggest fan of black girl feet (Don't take that personally) Amalia is one girl where i'll make an exception. Why? because she's always barefoot and being a princess she must love getting her feet rubbed. If their's an opening for a masseuse sign me up because I gladly massage this princess's chocolaty feet.

Best Foot Scene

3. Hinata Hyuuga (Naurto)

I never watched this show but I was aware of the beautiful females who wore sandals. Hinata was my favorite because she was shy and sweet. Naurto did take her for granted in the original anime but at least she got her man when the series ended. Fun fact her chest size is actually bigger than Sakura's. I would love to play this little piggy with her toes.

Best Foot Scene
2. Lucy Heartfilla (Fairy Tail)

Much like Naurto I have never seen this anime and again I was only aware of it's existence was because of it's females. Since the anime's creator Hiro Mashima has a foot fetish, naturally he'd have foot scenes all over this anime he's like the Quentin Tarantino of anime. Too be honest I was split between putting her or Erza on the list but Lucy's beautiful feet and slender tummy were just more sexier to me.

Best Foot Scene

1. Starfire (Teen Titans)

 Yeah you all this on coming. Starfire is my favorite animated girl of all time and I get excited every time I see her. She looks amazing in the original series but is not barefoot enough and I don't particularly care for her comic book designs either. So if I have to say one good thing about Teen Titans Go! at least they have her barefoot more often. I'm also into Foot Growth/Transformation and she was the one who gave me my foot fetish. I would take off her boots and rub,smell, lick and all sorts of things to her beautiful tameranian feet.

Best Foot Scene


  1. Why did you made this post, GumballW? Should we all do one our own waifus?

    1. IDK I figured I do something different, by all means you guys should I’m curious to see who everyone’s favorites are. Overall what do you think of my list?

    2. It's not bad, numbers 2,3,5,6,7 and 8 are my picks of your list.

    3. GumballW, were you bored or something?

    4. GumballW, what makes feet so good to play with?

    5. GumballW, what makes feet so good to play with?

  2. The only two girls I really like on here is Hinata and Lucy.

  3. No Toph!

    This man must be hanged for his crimes!

    1. Hey, this is GumballW's personal waifus and not yours! Don't you dare criticize his girls! Go get your own waifus with Toph!

  4. 4/10 of my waifus, awesome picks!
    Do you ever plan on giving Naruto & Fairy Tail a watch?

    You misspelled Sam's name on the second sentence and "Sexiest" on Marron.

    1. Shame, I wish could help fix your hectic schedule, then you could have all the time in the world to watch all the shows you post but never watch. (Some of them.)

  5. The starfire from TTGO is awful, they ruined a great series with this garbage, not criticising or anything but the other 9 girls I like 😍

    1. Well I have stated before in the past that I hate Teen Titans Go but they made Starfire go barefoot more often so I’ll give them points for that

    2. GumballW, be proud with Starfire. She is cute and I had a crush of her in middle school.

  6. Awesome. :-D Great choices of characters GumballW. My favorite Street Fighter Woman, Totally Spies girl and Yu gi Oh girl all made this list. ^_^

    1. I do like his list since most if these girls I do know. He should be proud with his waifus. KingsSideCastle, will you make a list like this on your waifus?

    2. Yeah it is a great list. ^_^ Maybe in the future. :-)

    3. My top five are Ino, Sailor Mars, Supergirl, Cammy and Huntress. :-D

    4. Do you have five other girls you like?

    5. Yes but I'll have to think who they are.

    6. Take your time and tell me later.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Before I even knew what anime was, Téa was my original anime crush. Didn't even have to do wiyth her feet

  9. What do you have against black girl's feet? Some of them are really delicious looking like Elena's ones.

    1. Nothing they’re just not my thing

    2. What kind of feet do you normally enjoy, GumballW?

    3. They are soft, long, and have long toes

    4. I remember a girl who had soft, long feet with long painted toes named Katelyn in middle school. GumballW, enjoy the softness of big long girly feet.

    5. GumballW, enjoy the softness of big long girly feet.
