Monday, July 16, 2018

Shelter: Rin

She's the heroine of this music video. An seven-year-old who lives in Tokyo with her father, Shigeru, an scientist and engineer, around the time that an unidentified planetary object was on a collision course with Earth, Shigeru had devoted a large portion of his time to making a single-passenger life-support spacecraft for her while still maintaining her happiness in order for her to live. She was taken to the completed craft and connected to its simulation, then was launched into space, the music video starts at that point where she was still traveling in space at the age of 17.  As a young age, she had brown hair and eyes, but in the simulator, both of them had a lighter shade of red. She also was seen in a pink dress and a large white bow in her hair when she was younger, however, in the simulator, she worn the same white bow and pink dress with a white overcoat. This music video was an sad one that her father sacrificed himself to save his daughter and she was all alone in a virtual reality after the Earth was destroyed by a planet-size collision, she rarely worn shoes both indoors and outside. I saw this when it was released, it was about six minutes long. She can create anything in the virtual world with her tablet and stylus.


  1. Oh wow... She is gorgeous. ^_^ Great post Custom.:-)

    1. It sucks that she was all alone after her father died. I wanted to save the GIFs for a later post because it will be too much for this one since she has a lot of foot shots that I made a second part.

  2. Time for me to inevitably asks for gifs again.

    1. Please be patient, I'm working on that but I'm saving them for later.

  3. I’m gonna have to look this up
