Sunday, July 8, 2018

Weekend Requests

I've been thinking about this since I'd became an member of this blog back in March of this year. Remember I told you about how I would do requests? Things just got pushed back and I couldn't go through every request fans send to me so I decided to change things up a bit by this: every Saturday starting this week, send me one request on my Gmail: on your female character from either anime, video games or manga that is easy to find foot shots and scenes. Just don't send in too many requests at once otherwise I will forget. If things go smoothly, I will post a little something which I would call "Custom's Favorite Feet", which I pick out the best foot shots from any girl you requested by any format as long as I can find them. The reason why I'm doing this is because I thought of an future update for this blog but I didn't want to give too much away.  Remember wait until the 14th of this month to send in requests, one per weekend, I will do what I can to bring them in for you.

Sincerely, Custom.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Oh I didn't know! I'm sorry!! D:

  4. Can you upload bikini scenes from Kick Buttowski? Do you know any?

  5. Replies
    1. Well, let me know if you got a request on my Gmail.

    2. I am not forcing you to do it but send me a decent request so I can bring it here to this blog.

    3. All right...just need to think of a good one. :-D

    4. Take your time, KingsSideCastle.

  6. You said you want us to do it on Saturdays?

    1. Yes, if you're available, and it had to be one request per Saturday and by the end of each month, I might do that request.

    2. I was thinking a Starfire Pure Protein bonus.

  7. Okay, i'll try to remember to do that on Saturday. :l

    1. OK, any girl you want at long as I can find info on her or any scenes. Just don't send it more than one request every Saturday, I cannot go through them all at once.

    2. I think I already know one girl, but i'm not sure if you're going to do that. I'll explain this on Saturday
