Monday, July 30, 2018

Zettai Karen Children: Kaoru Akashi

Some more from episode 11. This time the scenes are for the lead female character in the series Kaoru. :-)
(Once again a Huge Thank You to Noah for recommending this anime)

Kaoru is a level 7 esper with the ability Psychokinesis. Similar to Naomi, Kaoru can control directional forces moving and destroying object at will but at a much higher level.  She is so strong in fact that she is given a limiter that controls her powers so that she does use her abilities wildly. The commander of special team Koichi can deactivate her limiter allowing her to reach her full potential. Kaoru has a crush on her commander and flirts with him a lot. She mischievous and playful but has a good heart and helps others. In an alternate future, she is known as the Queen of Catastrophe due to her powerful abilities.

She is a fun character and very enjoyable to watch on screen. :-)

More Zettai Karen Children still to come!


  1. Do you think that you have too many anime on your watch list, KSC? Because you seem to scratch the surface.

    1. Yeah so many. Always more anime that I want to see than I have time to watch. ^_^;

    2. I too cannot keep up with the new anime because of how overcrowded it felt watching every single one.

    3. Yeah there is so much awesome material to watch. ^_^

    4. I feel like we'd only scratched the surface with anime.

    5. Yes. ^_^ There are thousands of them.

    6. I tried to skip an anime season in favor on playing catch-up on old anime.

    7. Sometimes that's a good move. :-D

  2. How often do you post stuff here, KSC?

    1. It varies depending on how much time I have available. If I have some more free time like now I can post about once or twice a day or a few times a week. When I get busy though I sometimes have to take a break from posting on the site and it would be a long time between posts from me.

    2. What is your goal for this blog? Its true purpose?

    3. I think to showcase and talk barefoot scenes involving female character. ^_^

    4. Have you ever done anything truly special asides from the tributes or megaposts?

    5. Oh yes. Some multi-part mega-sets and a couple of special occasion tributes. :-)

    6. I see. Did I made an multi-part megapost for you?

    7. Yeah we did a massive one for villains, spellcasters and fan art

    8. Oh yes... those were classics tributes Match. I also really liked the Disney set too which was another big project. :-D

      Yeah you've done some great Megaposts too Custom... The After the Rain series was epic and some great tributes to FLCL and Keijo as well.

    9. Oh, thanks for your praise. I want to show how much I love female feet.
