Thursday, August 9, 2018

Blade of the Phantom Master: Chun Hyang

A beautiful woman with prodigious fighting skill. She acts as Munsu's 'Sando', or bodyguard. When she was kidnapped by a corrupt lord who wanted to make her his personal bodyguard, her lover embarked on a futile quest to become an angyo onshi. He died in the process, but not before making Munsu aware of her plight. After Munsu frees her, she decides to become his bodyguard in memory of her dead lover, and takes the title "Sando" as her new name. Despite her fearsome natural fighting ability, Sando is quiet and shy, with a high moral stance. As a result, she is often in conflict with the amoral Munsu over his questionable methods. She has made it clear that if he ever becomes truly evil, she will no longer protect him. She also has a great fear of heights, and will refuse to cross bridges set over deep mountain gorges or valleys. Munsu finds this extremely peculiar, seeing as to how she often leaps several stories into the air during combat.


  1. Replies
    1. Beautiful face. The animation looks sharp and enjoy her style of footwear as well. :-D

    2. Still, not every post is going to be good.

  2. GumballW, will you ever watch the anime you post if you're not busy?

    1. Look Custom I’m not much of an anime watcher mainly because in most cases the subs are better but I don’t feel like reading the dialogue. Dubs for the most part are not as good because they either cut stuff out or in the case of Joseph Joestar in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure the dialogue is not as funny

    2. Then why do you post stuff from anime at all if you're not a fan of it?

    3. I didn’t say I don’t like anime, I said I don’t much of it mainly because most of them don’t interest me.

    4. Do you think cartoons are no better either? Not every anime is unwatchable.

    5. Can we stop talking about this

    6. Why? I just want to know why most anime aren't that interested to you.

    7. GumballW, why do you not like most anime new and old?

  3. Good lord above you're obnoxious Custom....

    @Gumball: Speaking of Blade of the Phantom Master, you really, REALLY need to read the original source material/comic, Shin Angyo Onshi. It's mindblowingly good lol.

    1. JC, why do you think that of me?

    2. Because you don't seem overly familiar with the high-grade concept of shutting the fuck up.
