Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Honorable Mention: Morgiana (Part 2)

Here is Part 2 of my honorable mention of Morgiana in Season 1 of Magi. This covers mostly episode 6 because it was an episode about her. Given how much foot material is in this anime especially on Morgiana alone, this is going to be a 9-part honorable mention. 
I apologized for this long tribute, I tried to make it manageable for the viewers to check out and I am saving the GIFS for another part of this tribute because this really started to oversaturate the blog, I am deeply sorry for getting too many foot shots of Morgiana.


  1. She’ll definitely be added to Cosplay-o-Ween

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. There's more Morgiana to come.

    3. So how much do you want her feet?

    4. Custom 958 could you put more pictures of the girls of ISEKAI WA SMARTPHONE TO TOMO NI?

    5. I had one set for next month and it was on Episode 10, Tachi. Another one will be out within a few days.

    6. I apologize to you, KingsSideCastle, for dragging this honorable mention of Morgiana longer than I planned.

    7. I only picked out some of my favorite episodes but not all of the episodes since she had a lot of foot scenes.

  3. 9 Part honorable mention!?
    Wow, that's crazy for an honorable mention, not that I'm complaining so keep at it!

    1. This honorable mention is from my favorite episodes in Magi and the most with Morgiana's feet.
