Monday, August 13, 2018

Is the Order a Rabbit? Season 1 (Episode 8)

This pool scene is from Episode 8 of Season 1 of the anime. The anime itself is about an girl named Cocoa who came to a cafe called Rabbit House, assuming there were rabbits to be cuddled but found an girl named Chino Kafu, the owner's daughter who is small, precocious, and  pretty shy with an angora rabbit on her head, although I don't think it looked like a rabbit at all since it is a pushie lookalike and Cocoa befriended her quickly and led to her life at Rabbit House. I'd managed to finish the first season but I didn't want to watch the second because it was so boring and it put me to sleep.


  1. This is a kinda something I’d expect Paganax to post. Nice post though

  2. Replies
    1. I didn't bother with Season 2. If you can get pass boredom, then enjoy this anime.

    2. It really is a fun, cute anime to watch King.

    3. O.O Definitely want to give it a try Noah.

    4. Also, if I recall, there were a few foot scenes before the episode shown here.

  3. I'm more to dark skins not really into Asian dark Skin Center Ashley better.

  4. This is one of my favorite moe anime. Is there anything Japan hasn't done yet in regards to cute girls? Because just as we think Japan's done everything, they cook something up! This year we were in love with girls with big foreheads, girls calling her lover "Darling", horse girls, blood cells, platelets.

    1. As long as stuff like moe, idol, or isekai sells, they don't care, it's all about the money. I missed the good old days of the 90s and early 2000s where anime used to be unique.

    2. Because they're focused on Japanese audiences, not us foreigners.
      Though it would be interesting to see Japan do an anime on the Western world, specifically America.

    3. There are a few in mind like Red Garden, Chrono Crusade, Big O, Baccano!, Gunsmith Cats and Heroman.

  5. got to love the fact there is always a swimsuit episode in anime

  6. Replies
    1. Have you notice the sameness in moe girls in terms of being too cute?
