Sunday, August 12, 2018

Mobile Fighter G Gundam: Rain Mikamura

Ok another attractive Gundam girl today... Rain Mikamura from G Gundam. ^_^
Scene Animation
(These are a combination of webfinds and caps from Mobile Fighter G Gundam Episode 18. Special Thank yous to Stefan and Chaz Jones for recommending and helping me find this scene)

I love these type of scenes where women take off there footwear to relax their feet in the cool water. :-) 

Rain is the lead female character of the G Gundam series and the partner and love interest of the protagonist Doman Kash. She was his friend from childhood. She is very smart and has training in Advanced Physics, Biology, Medicine, Robotics and Mechanical Engineering.She operates as a mechanic and doctor over the course of the series. While she's not a Gundam Pilot herself, she is shown in the series to have the capability of operating a mobile suit effectively. :-) Personality-wise Rain is a clever and tough. It takes a strong woman to be able put up with Doman's hotheadedness and Rain manages to do that. :-)

I haven't gotten the chance to watch the G Gundam series yet. I've heard that it was very good. With a beautiful woman like Rain in it, it is definitely a series that I hope to watch one day. ^_^

Ok everyone... that's all for now. ^_^ As always.  More to come soon!


  1. Ba Da Ba Ba Bah, I'm Lovin' It!

    1. :-) Thanks Gumball.

      ^_^ Yeah I love seeing a foot soaking scenes too Custom.

    2. I mean, female foot soaking gives us a chance to see their barefeet up-close.

    3. Yes they are great opportunities to see barefoot women relaxing. ^_^

    4. Yeah, or to see if they wore socks or not with their shoes. I still think it is lovely to watch them relaxing their feet after walking around all day.

    5. Are you jealous of those fish kissing her feet?

    6. Gundam girls are lucky to have animals worship their feet. Those foot fetish loving animals!

    7. Speaking of, I want to be one of those fish who were kissing her feet.

    8. :-D It is a good position to be in.

    9. Be like one of those fish from the fish pedicure scenes. Munch all of the stuff from the girls' feet.

    10. Oh yes Pedicure fish are super lucky too.

    11. Man, those pedicure fish really love feet and I can't imagine they want female feet more than male ones.

    12. I heard that there aren't any of those types of pedicures in the U.S. you have to go out of the united states to see Pedicures like that.

    13. Because of the health issues like dangerous skin and soft tissue infections. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Garra rufa (doctor fish) had pose a threat to native plant and animal life once they were released into the wild because the fish is not native to the United States.

    14. Yes. So basically you have to go abroad to see a fish pedicure live.

    15. Yes, do you still want to have fish play with your feet or a girl's?

    16. Yeah would love to see those pedicures in action on an attractive girl. :-)

    17. Like those pedicures being made by her or anyone?

    18. I see. How much you enjoy them?

    19. A lot. :-D

      What about you? Do you like seeing those type of pedicures in action?

    20. Yes, I do. I mean, like I said, seeing girls doing their own pedicures is like painting and drawing their own masterpieces.

    21. I do apprentice pedicures looking beautiful and playful.

    22. Seriously, pedicures is one of my biggest weaknesses on cute girls.

    23. Of course they are. It's another way to beautify their feet.

  2. KingsSideCastle, I haven't seen G Gundam yet despite I had seen most of the other Gundam series. But please, I want to post other Gundam girls like in Double-0 and SEED Destiny myself. Don't take them away for me.

    1. :-) Oh sure... Go for them Custom.

    2. I'm sorry that I got involved but I don't want you or anybody else to take away my posts on certain characters. This is the only the Gundam series I hadn't watched entirely.

    3. It's fine Custom. Just draft the characters you are working on. It is cool that you're doing them. :-D The more Gundam women on the blog the better. ^_^

    4. Yes, I am working on more Gundam girls to draft and post. Maybe I was just jealous of your work because of how perfect it looks. I mean, seeing foot soaking scenes on girls is a treat for me but the GIFs are a pain to post.

    5. That's awesome Custom. Looking forward to seeing them. Thank you...this was a fun post to work on. Your posts are great too. ^_^

    6. I know a little of G Gundam but I never seen the whole anime despite the first episode.

    7. Yeah I haven't watched this one either yet. ^_^ I hope to one day though.

    8. I see. I never had the time to watch it.

    9. G Gundam is a great anime. It was the first to not take place in the Universal Century timeline (Future Century), and the death toll is not that bad. All the truly evil characters get their comeuppance. Rain is very pretty, and this feet scene is truly worthy of this post. She does have a couple more at the end of the series if you're looking for more. I also have a figure of Rain from the Gundam Heroines collection, along with 4 other pretty girls. The are Elpeo Ple from Gundam ZZ, Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed, Christina Mackenzie from Gundam 0080, and Quess Paraya from Char's Counterattack. They're not barefoot, but they're still pretty. Let me know if you'd like photos of them.

    10. Oh that's awesome Dan. Wow I really want to watch this series now. O.O I didn't know she had more scenes in the series. That's really great. Yeah I would love to see the photos of them. :-)

    11. Yes, G Gundam was the first AU series taking place outside the Universal Century and the first one to not be directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, the franchise creator.

    12. I hope that I can watch it one day. ^_^

    13. Same here because I can never get into it because I had other anime to deal with and finish. I really wish that I could watch it one day since it is the only Gundam series I had yet come across.

    14. :-D You're much closer than me to completion. I still have quite a few series to complete from this one.

    15. Really? I mean, you had Gunpla and Perfect Grade model kits and can put them together which something I had never done. As for the shows, yes, I had seen most of the Gundam series that were released up until this point including the OVAs. In fact, there will be more Gundam movies, OVAs and shows next year.

    16. Oh yes I definitely love putting together Gundam models. O_O That's very exciting. Did they announce the names of the movies and shows they are planning to release?

    17. Yes, three movies: Gundam Narattive, based on the eleventh Gundam Unicorn Novel, Phoenix Hunting, by Harutoshi Fukui, a movie trilogy called Hathaway's Flash which based on the novel by the franchise creator, Yoshiyuki Tomino, and a live-action Gundam film. These movies and more had been announced to be a part of the series 40th anniversary next year.

    18. Yes, it is. Still, you have a long way to go.

    19. I still know quite a bit on this franchise.

    20. A good amount but there are still a lot of series in this franchise that I need to watch. ^_^

    21. I see. I had a few OVAs to go like The Origin and SEED C.E. 73: Stargazer.

  3. I see that gundam in the back and all i can think of is Ready Player One

    1. I see. Even though this is no virtual reality style Gundam series.

    2. :-D Yeah one of many awesome cameos in the film.

  4. Replies
    1. Why you say that? Just because they were kissing her soft feet?

    2. Yes. That fish really lucked out. :-)

    3. :-D Yes. First the dog and butterfly with Relena and now the fish. Lucky animals.

    4. I guess we humans are unlucky to love female feet from Gundam.

    5. Heh heh yes... not as lucky as the animals in these series.

    6. Yeah. By the way, those dolphins from After War Gundam X are lucky too since they were swimming with Tiffa and saw her feet.

    7. Does that makes you a bit upset that these animals got their fetish wish granted?

    8. A little envious but happy to see scenes where at least the animals are getting lucky. ^_^

    9. So you're proud of those animals who gave us our wish to worship their feet up-close and personal?

    10. Wish fulfillment in a way to see them get close up and personal like that.

    11. Maybe because we get great views of them as well in scenes that focus on them.

    12. I see. Do you think that this is a perfect way to focus on the feet only?

    13. How do you want these scenes to be in your opinion?

    14. I think the longer the better. How about you?

    15. Same here and to show those foot soaks in different angles of her feet.

    16. Yeah I would try to get as many angles as possible as well. :-)

    17. Like a photographer would do? Her feet must be taken care of.

    18. Do you want to keep those foot pictures?

    19. I do want to do the same. Fantasize all you want with them.

    20. What is your favorite foot activity to do with her feet?

    21. What is your favorite foot activity to do with her feet, KSC?

    22. Does that mean you don't care how much foot worship on the girls? Like you just want their feet and nothing more?

  5. Replies
    1. Those fish got all of the footy goodies.

    2. :-D I'm working on a list o foot soak scenes in anime. I wonder if there are any ones that you can think of that I can put on the list. So far I have Tea from Yugioh and Hinata from Naruto Shippuden. Also Pan from Dragon Ball GT and Kaoru and Megumi from Rurouni Kenshin. Are there any that you remember?

    3. Well, I remember a few like in the Pokemon movies: Pokemon 4Ever, Misty was seen soaking her feet or she was soaking her feet in Pokemon Heroes. I remember a foot soak during a hot spring in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew with Kidd Summers.

    4. I don't know any more foot soaking scenes. I hope the Pokemon ones are good for your next work. I wish that I can see their feet underwater so I can play with them.

    5. Those two are great. ^_^ Thanks for your help. I thought of one more... Kyoko from Black Cat has one. So far 7/10. I'll try to think of some more later.

    6. All right. I want to see more.

  6. I remember this anime, but I don't think I have seen this scene.

    1. It definitely was a great moment. ^_^

    2. Shadowmandude, I never seen this Gundam series despite the videos on Youtube.

    3. Well, it was the only Gundam series I understand and interested at the time.

    4. I see. Did you bother with other Gundam shows?

    5. Yeah, I watch them, but I often get confuse because I grow up on classic good vs evil stories and most gundam stories don't have that theme.

    6. Same here, Gundam is something more than just good vs. evil stories in mecha. I mean, it's completely different from the mecha anime I had seen in high school.
