Saturday, August 25, 2018

Pan de Peace: Mai Kawai

Ok the next Pan de Peace girl is Mai Kawai. Mai probably has the best foot scenes in this series even getting a foot massage in a memorable scene. Enjoy guys!
Some Gifs:
(These are from Pan de Peace episodes 11 and 13. Once again a Huge Thank You to Noah for sharing this episode.)

In the anime Mai starts off as rival for Fuyumi. She works for a rival bakery befriends Noa supplying her with baguettes much to Fuyumi's dismay. Eventually though Mai becomes close with the other girls in the group and becomes close friends with them.

Mai is a cute character and she is fun to watch on screen. ^_^ Her rivalry with Fuyumi were some of the most entertaining scenes in the anime.

Ok...the last of the Pan de Peace will be tommorow. On that note... more to come soon!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Dean. ^_^ The gifs for this post were a lot of fun to make.

  2. I'm jealous of you, KingsSideCastle, because I can never make GIFs that clear and perfect. I am too stupid to not make my posts any more beautiful. I hate it when someone is better than me in terms of perfection.

    1. A lot of it is just finding the right tools. If you are able to find the program Gimp. It is very good for making gifs. The rest is just practice and finding the right scene.

    2. Still I am jealous of you, KingsSideCastle, for your perfection.

    3. Yeah, I would say that you're too perfect.

    4. What? You don't mind? I mean, don't you feel worried?

    5. :-) No not worried. I just took it as a compliment.

    6. You are not going to taunt others because of your perfection?

    7. You hate to be evil or at least, strict on this blog?

    8. :-D Yes. I try to be as nice as possible.

    9. Had you lost control of yourself before?

    10. Rarely. ^_^ Most of the time I am pretty nice I think.

    11. What if someone is going to make you so angry that you got frustrated? Or what if you has personal problems in real life?

    12. I'll try to deal with them as best I can. ^_^ That's really the only thing that anyone can do I think.

    13. You rather want to talk it out?

    14. :-) Not when it comes to characters like these.

    15. Like you love everybody you meet no matter who the girl is? That's absurd.

  3. Mai's my favorite girl in this anime! I'm glad I get a Noah-chan in this anime as well! Both are so adorable!

    1. :-D Yeah Mai is really cute. She definitely has the best foot scenes in this anime by far. ^_^

      ^_^ Yeah Noa is adorable as well.

    2. Weekends are slow for this blog.

    3. It is the summer... everyone is outside enjoying the sun. ^_^

    4. Yes... I use the summer weekends to go bike riding which is why I get back so late during them. I'm training for a bicycle tour in October.

    5. I see. I too went bike riding recently to clear my mind on things.

    6. OK. you really are just an seriously happy person, KingsSideCastle, and female feet is too good to you.

    7. Would you love female feet for what they are?

    8. I was wondering how far can we go with female feet.
