Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Poll 80 Results, Site Stats, News Etc

Ok guys... the 80th Poll of the month has come to an end after a whooping 683 Votes and a ton (and I mean a serious ton) of suggested animes... here are the results...
I took almost all your suggestions for additional options for this one. For certain series that had sequels I combined votes (i.e. the votes for Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT are all combined under the Dragon Ball option). Also I plan to have a separate poll for Cartoon series in the future so suggestions for cartoons like Adventure Time weren't added in for one. These were the remaining suggestions though.

With the results tallied up... It looks when it comes to anime for most people ... Pokemon is the very best like no one ever was.  With 84 votes... it claimed first place and remained there throughout. In second place was Dragon Ball  and My Hero Academia claimed third. There were a wide range of options suggestions in this poll and each of them had one vote or more before this poll was done.

As always I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who voted in this poll. I'll try to keep your choices in mind for the future. I think its safe to say that any barefoot pokemon girl scene will make it onto the site so hopefully the series will have a lot of them in the future. :-)

A little bit of bonus news everyone. The site managed to reach a record number of views last month. Thanks to everyone for really working to help us reach this milestone. 

Since we are on stats...just for added fun these were the top 10 countries that visited the page last month:
 Ok so what's coming up next. On my end I have some good sets coming up that I'm excited to do. My schedule is beginning to get a little heavier so I probably won't be able to post daily for August but I'll try to post a couple of times a week.

I have a new poll in mind for this month based on the results of last month's poll. It should be up later tonight. :-)

Ok everyone that's all for now. As always though more to come soon!


  1. It's no surprise that Pokemon is an childhood anime along with Dragon Ball. Pokemon has such cute girls like May and Dawn, even though I haven't seen XY, I do like Serena. Can't wait for more female Pokemon trainer's feet and the new movie, The Power of Us will be out in North America this November.

    1. Yes... I knew those too were pretty popular. ^_^ Hope for more scenes involving those girls. :-)

    2. Pokemon is one of the anime I grew up with, I cannot pick my all-time favorite anime because there's a lot to enjoy and growing up with.

    3. Yeah I can see how it might be tricky to pick just one anime you like. ^_^

    4. Yes, since there were plenty of anime I grew up watching.

    5. What about you? Aside from Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon, what other anime you grew up watching?

    6. Those were the big ones. Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh too. :-D

    7. Same here, along with those two, I had seen Bobobo, Zatch Bell, Sword Art Online.

    8. Yeah. The first two were awesome.

    9. Sadly, the English Dub of Zatch Bell never was finished.

    10. The anime ended after 150 episodes, right after the battle with Zeno. The dub stopped out at 104 right before the start of the Faudo Arc. Te legal fight between Makoto Raiku and Shogakukan resulted in Raiku gaining total control over everything he ever made, the anime included.

  2. It was hard for me to choose what the vote on.
    I know what to choose from Dragon Ball ore Fairy Tail or Danganronpa. It was a choice between those three.

    1. I guess so cuz I am a big fan of all three of them.

    2. I saw and know all three of them, Dean.

    3. I'm a real big fan of Danganronpa I'm even making a fan-made version of my own.

    4. I'm not doing it on here.
      But maybe when I finish I'll probably show it.

    5. Thanks KSC and for my location I'm doing it. There not at a school but there in a prison.

  3. Oh yeah I had a tough time picking my favorite anime myself. I think I would probably go with Naruto because it has a lot of great action moments in it. ^_^

    1. Same here because several anime are my favorites. I just cannot pick only one. I mean, Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon are the ones I grew up with while Naruto, Little Witch and My Hero Academia are my current anime. Very hard to choose one.

    2. Yeah... there were a lot of possibilities in this one. :-)

    3. Yes, by the way, I'm still waiting for your responses to my comments on July posts.

    4. Just a few like the One Piece figure you did, soft or hard feet, and past backstories, Tiffa Adill, and Aqua post I did.

    5. Please do, I don't want you to forget.

    6. Sorry that I had to tell you this because I hate to leave them unfinished.

    7. I had more in mind, check them out in your inbox.

    8. Did you like my soft feet post?

    9. Did you like my soft feet post?

  4. Pokemon and Love Live were my favorite anime on the list. Pokemon I was a late bloomer (and to anime itself) as I'd watch it before school ten years ago, but didn't get into it until Pokemon the Series: XY aired on Cartoon Network. Since then, it has became one of my favorite anime of all-time.

    1. Really cool Noah. Both good choices. Pokemon was one of the earlier anime I watched too. I watched up to about Master Quest. I think my first animes were Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball. ^_^

      Also just you know I got your e-mail and I tried replying to it but my messages just kept bouncing back so it looked like they didn't go through. Thanks for the great suggestions. I'll try to get them.

    2. Noah, I had seen both Pokemon and the original Love Live.

      KingsSideCastle, those two, Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball are my first anime I saw, as for Pokemon, I watched it up until Sinnoh League Victors which was the last Diamond and Pearl season before the series was moved into Black and White.

    3. Nice. Those are classic. :-D I remember them being the first two that I could catch in the U.S. They were hard for me to watch too because they aired really early in the morning. I would wake up at 6am to watch Sailor Moon before heading out to school. Dragon Ball aired even earlier at 5 in the morning so that was even harder to watch. Luckily Dragon Ball Z began airing on weekends at regular morning hours so I could catch it without having to wake up early.

    4. I see. I remember watching Dragon Ball Z around 3 or 4 in the afternoon along with Sailor Moon on Toonami. I used to record some episodes on VHS tapes. Later, as I watched Dragon Ball on Toonami, I saw the uncut version of the first arcs of DBZ when they aired in the summer of 2005. I didn't watched the the later seasons of Ssilor Moon which are S and SuperS because of the changes Cartoon Network had at the time, which caused me to missed them. After I heard that Viz got the entire of Sailor Moon anime including Sailor Stars, I decided to revisit the series in order to refresh my memory because I don't remember much after R. As for the Dragon Ball series, I pretty much know quite a bit of it including GT and Super.

    5. Yes. ^_^ I started watching anime before Toonami was created. The DIC version went halfway through R and I had to wait several years for the rest of it on Toonami because it stopped midway. I used to tape all the episodes of Sailor Moon on VHS too. At the time Sailor Moon aired on Toonami I didn't have cable so I would visit my Grandmother's house to watch the show there with my brothers. Sometimes I would set a tape to record episodes when I wasn't able to watch it.

      Dragon Ball Z aired on Local channels for me up to the Namek saga and than I had to watch the rest of it on Toonami too. At the time I was in high school and getting home late so I couldn't watch every episode. I eventually caught up on the series in college once I could find the episodes on the internet. :-)

    6. I see. I bet you're one of those people who never got to watch the rest of Sailor Moon when it was cancelled for a while before it was brought over Toonami and I do remember how the original Dragon Ball Z ended with Goku faced off Uub in the Martial Arts Tournament. At the time, I used to watch both anime at my grandmother's house before my family moved out to another city in 1999. Before Toonami, I didn't know a thing of anime or the fact the word until high school. My brother and I used to watch DBZ together when I was in middle school along with other anime on Toonami. As I gotten older, my feelings of anime started to change, I found out about Youtube in my first year of high school in 2005 and thought it looked OK but little did I know that I started watching episodes on there and more. Time passed, I went to college and my brother gave me back to watching Toonami again after its revival in 2012.

    7. Yes it felt like a long wait for me until Sailor Moon was finally brought back. In those days you couldn't just go online to watch anime. It was very hard to find. :-D Toonami definitely helped to popularize anime in the U.S.

    8. Yes, I know and I never heard of the whole streaming tread. In fact, I never heard of any video sites because the internet was still new back then.

    9. Before Youtube, Crunchyroll, and all of these sites to watch anime, it was just TV and VHS.

    10. Yup. :-) It really is great now that anime is so readily available.

    11. I'm glad that I can catch up on anime.

  5. Uh oh Russia supports us, watch as the media labels us colluding with Russia

    1. Seriously? It has a worldwide fanbase?

    2. Wow, your blog is famous for feet.

    3. Yup the love of animated feet is international. :-D

    4. I wish I could do that. I remembered making a page on Facebook that has the same animated foot love but it didn't went anywhere with just 12 people liked it. I bet they saw some of my posts I did.

    5. Yeah sometimes it takes a lot of work to get a site up and running. 12 is pretty good to start out though.

    6. Yeah, I know it's small but decent. You like this blog so much?

    7. Have you thought of a foot fetish party?

    8. Have you thought of a foot fetish party?

    9. A Foot fetish party seems really cool. ^_^

  6. Replies
    1. Maybe difficult to pick a favorite series. ^_^

    2. I would agree with you, KSC, because picking a favorite series is not easy.

    3. Yeah. It's a good way to think about anime shows that you love though. :-)

    4. Yeah, there were quite a good ones up here that I just couldn't pick.

    5. What are some of your favorites?

    6. Let's see, Sailor Moon, One-Punch Man, Dragon Ball, Fairy Tail, Pokemon, One Piece, Inuyasha, Digimon, Attack On Titan, RWBY, Soul Eater, Hunter x Hunter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs, Voltron, Naruto, and Case Closed.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Thank you. On another note, I just found this news about a new anime series called Karakuri Circus, I heard about the manga series before, and the leading woman in this link is a barefooter and she looks nice. Check it out, its got visuals of the characters, and a trailer to go with it: Anyway, the story has got some elements kinda like how Puppet Princess was, except it takes place in the modern age, and the name seems to explain itself.

    9. That seems cool the fall anime season is packed with returning shows like SAO and A Certain Magical Index.

    10. Looks very cool Shadowmandude. :-) Have to watch this anime. Shirogane Saiga looks like she will have some really great scenes too. ^_^ Thanks for recommending it. :-)
