Thursday, August 9, 2018

Project A-ko: Ayumi-sensei

. Miss Ayumi is a teacher at Graviton High School who has A-ko, B-ko, and C-ko in her class at the same time. This means that she has the task of trying to get C-ko to learn while preventing A-ko and B-ko from murdering each other. Miss Ayumi is modeled after the lead character of the eponymous TV series Creamy Mami, one of several magical girl TV shows that came out during the 80s. Voiced by: Asami Mukaidono (Japanese), Lynda Boyd (English) and Lisa Ross (first


  1. Custom, you know you're clearly working on old stuff that's been on here before already.

    1. Yes, but I found some new content on old stuff, you know.

    2. We'll stop acting like I'm not looking at the draft.
      I'm not even supposed to be talking I'm in class right now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I already asked him to leave you alone and he agreed to that. Please stop writing messages to him... that is not going to end well.
