Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Soul Eater NOT!: Tsugumi Harudori (Part 1)

She's the heroine and a Magic Weapon who can changed into a halberd with a dull blade. She was transferred to DWMA (Death Weapon Meister Academy) to become a student in the NOT class, a class designed for weapons and meisters who want to control their powers in order to lead normal lives. Originally a timid romantic, she seeks out to improve herself ever since meeting Maka (the main heroine of the original Soul Eater), wanting to emulate the confident senior student. She then later became friends with two Meisters, Meme Tatane and Anya Hepburn, alternating between them as a weapon, but will have to pick one of them to be her official meister partner. This is a two-part tribute.
This is from the first half of the anime with the exception of Episodes 3 and 6.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Soul Eater was better in every way.

  4. Custom you should let the person who drafted the tribute first have first crack at posting her. Dean created a draft for this character before you. You can post her afterward.

    I'm not going to make you delete this tribute this time but please in the future keep the order of the drafts in mind. We work on an honor system so there's a lot of trust involved with this site. We have to respect the other posters.

    1. No it's okay KSC i'm not worried about it no more if he want to do the rest he can do the rest.

    2. KSC, the reason why I posted this earlier is because I had this in mind before joining in this blog and I want to be ahead of the pack and stay there. I am waiting for you to make a move on posting more older stuff.

    3. Dean, you're letting me to finish what you started?

    4. Yeah Sure go for it but don't forget i let you do this.

  5. If there's one thing I learned from RWBY Chibi, it's that dog buttholes are true art. Oh, and her feet are nice, too, I guess.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't know if it's OK to keep posting new stuff.

    1. Just check the drafts and the scheduled posts if someone else is working on it don't post it. Otherwise post away. ^_^

    2. So post newer stuff or do follow ups on old posts if new material is available?

    3. All right. I was looking for some new girls to post.

  8. This is my first time i visit here and I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially it's discussion, thank you. Soul Anime
