Thursday, August 2, 2018

Winner: Soft Feet

The random question I asked on the 11th of last month, it seems that most of you guys prefer soft female feet because they're fun to snuggle up against. So I'll tell you that I too lean over soft feet myself since they're a lot easier to rub and touch, firm feet other the hand are useful for crushing things. Seriously, female feet has such different ways to be attractive. Pillow-y and marshmallow-y soft feet are a few descriptions of an girl's skin. I wanted to say that I had a thing for soft feet, I mean, just imagine how much fun to play with soft female feet with the palms of your hands. So yeah, soft feet is the clear winner and to all of you who voted this type of feet, congratulations.

 Soft Feet Forever!


  1. The ninth picture is what animation?

  2. what's the name of the animes?

    1. Nisemonogatari, The Garden of Words, Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans, Aldoah Zero, Danmachi Sword Oratoria, Linebarrels of Iron, Gundam X, Hand Shakers, Nourin, Guilty Crown, Magi, Castle Town Dandelion.

    2. I cannot say all of them because I forget.

    3. I see.
      My waifu list is almost complete but there's going to be a part 2 to it as well

    4. I was able to identify Nishimonogatari, Garden of Words, Iron Blooded Orphans and Gundam X. ^_^ The rest I wouldn't have been able to guess.

    5. I do know the anime I identify: Danmachi Sword Oratoria, Linebarrels of Iron, Aldnoah Zero, Magi, Hand Shakers, Nourin, Guilty Crown, Magi, Castle Town Dandelion. Only two I had no clue of.

    6. :-D Great choices of pictures though.

    7. I hope you enjoy the softness of feet.

    8. >"I was able to identify Nishimonogatari, Garden of Words, Iron Blooded Orphans and Gundam X. ^_^ The rest I wouldn't have been able to guess."

      It seems we were in the same boat, KSC. XD

  3. Would be nice if you could label each image where they are from

    1. its not bad but would like to know which show they are from and who they are

    2. I know how you feel but I couldn't do this to every post I make. Some anime I didn't seen, I will have no idea whoa they are. I thought you would know these characters.

  4. Pretty neat set! All of them look soft and adorable!

    Think it'll be possible to do one of these for dirty feet for my birthday on the 10th?

  5. Had a feeling soft feet would take the cake!
