Sunday, September 23, 2018

Black Bullet: Kisara Tendo (Gif extra)

Kisara Tendo is a lively young girl who has no difficulty naming Rentaro's faults. When working, she is extremely serious and even orders her employees to call her "president" instead of her first name, including those who know her and communicate with her outside of work. 

by Serashikoki Gif


  1. Since mine has a Gif it should be okay.

  2. Is it OK to add in foot scenes with blood covered? I can do better.

  3. Look Dean this is reaching a whole new level of sad. Also why would you make the put the description as the title? And again adding one image or gif doesn’t justify a repost

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh and for your information I am working on those other ones thank you very much I just have to find more pictures It Ain't Easy.

    3. Ok, You know what I’m not gonna let you drag me down to your level

  4. Dean these problems are happening because you are not checking the drafts/scheduled posts carefully enough before you create a post. I let the other one slide but that doesn't mean I want this to happen often.

    Since you were gracious enough to delete your last one... you can keep this one but don't make it a habit. If I see fights like this happening a lot. I'll take the duplicates down.

    1. Yes, that's the thing. Why don't you just end this?

    2. KSC I do check the draft/scheduled but I already had pictures of the character.

    3. I think if you have pictures that is fine but save them for a later post. Don't create a draft for the character right away... just allow a little time to pass before posting a follow up.
