Monday, September 17, 2018

Clannad: Illusionary World Girl

One of the mysterious things about Clannad was that at certain points in the anime they would shift away from the regular storyline and we would see a post apocalyptic world where the only occupants are a young girl and a robot. The nice thing about this girl is that she is barefoot the entire time. ^_^
(Images are from Clannad episodes 2, 20 and 22 and Clannad: After Story episodes 5, 7, 16, 21 and 22)

In an empty world, this mysterious girl brings a robot to life. The two of them attempt to build a machine that will allow the two of them to leave their location before the weather gets colder. As time passes, the girl seems to get weaker and weaker. As she becomes unable to move, she instructs the robot to collect lights around the planet which are needed to help them out of their current situation.

It is only toward the ending of the anime do we find out how the girl connects to the main anime itself.

Spoiler Warning:  (Serious...this is a big one)

Ok guys... still one last Clannad character to post. :-) Stay tuned!



  1. Just who is she I’ve seen the whole thing and I still don’t know

    1. Oh yeah... you guys can click on the spoiler warning message at the bottom to reveal who she is. ^_^

    2. Yes especially the episode prior to the reveal. :-(

  2. She doesn't have an name? She has nice feet.

    1. She does (sort of) but it would give away a big reveal for this anime. :-) Yeah I really like that she was barefoot in almost all her scenes in the illusionary world.

    2. Oh, you just don't want to give away spoilers. That's fine by me, I'll figure it out myself. As for her barefoot scenes, it's nice to see an girl who never worn shoes or socks at all. She is like an imaginary friend.

  3. She really cute and i new she looked familiar.

  4. Ah, it's better when it's well drawn.
    Also, what does it all mean then? Is Ushio still dead irl in the end? Cause that's just an illusionary world, like it's called. And what about all the others?

    1. I think that events in the Illusionary world were able to affect events in the real world altering some events in the anime.

  5. Oooh, I didn't know it had a spoiler filter! That's actually neat!

    1. Yes. I think that this was probably Clannad's biggest reveal.

    2. In that case, I actually have another idea for you to post. A character from Attack on Titan's second season, who was unnamed in her debut episode, but just recently got named as Kaya. The spoiler tag will be required for her appearance in the manga, but she's barefoot in her debut episode, so I think you should check it out!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. O.O That's another anime I really want to see. Hopefully I'll be able to marathon watch it one day. Thanks for the recommendation Layne.

    5. No prob, man! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
