Wednesday, September 5, 2018

In Another World With My Smartphone: Group Shots (Episode 10)

This is from the beach episode which is the tenth episode during their mission to investigate the Ancient Ruins nearby an island. I was going to post the characters separated but I couldn't find that in the series so I decided to do an group post. I found myself finishing up this anime less than two days. The anime itself is about an guy named Touya Mochizuki, who died accidentally from being electrocuted and wanted to be resurrected, however, he cannot return to the real world and instead have to live in the new fantasy world created by God himself with a small request: to bring his smartphone into the new world with him, which God modified so that the phone will function in the new world. He also amplified Touya's physical, magical, and cognitive abilities to a certain degree as a further apology for the inconvenience of killing him.
I'm saving the rest of this episode later, so this is just a part of the tribute. I just want to find the best quality of this episode.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Dean. I recommend this as an series to watch if you're really bored or to kill time because there's not much else to talk about.

    2. Actually, this anime isn't really worth watching. Dean, you're better off skipping this one.

    3. Or you can go and watch Rayearth or Escaflowne instead, Dean.

  2. Disliked the fact this anime finally had a plot in the last episode and no hints of another season

    1. This is why anime based on light novels never finished their stories.

    2. And then there's the fact that this guy Touya has ZERO characterization or motivation, yet is OP and has zero flaws! Y'know what Dekus, Saitama, and even Goku all have in common? They're OP, but at the same time they have their respective flaws, and they're relatable in their own special way.

    3. Custom, I've watched this anime, and I know one of you posted this anime before on one of the girls, but I do remember the others (some of them) have her own foot scenes.

    4. Noah, if that's true then can you tell me who has their own foot scenes? I don't remember seeing more than the ones from this episode.

  3. Not to be That Guy or anything Custom, but in this particular post, you said, "I was going to post the characters separated but I couldn't find that in the series so I decided to do an group post." Yet back in May, there's already a post on this anime on one of the girls, which happens to have been made by you.

    1. Yes, what about it? That was Yae Kokonoe. I watched the anime to find more but not much,

  4. Awesome Custom. ^_^ Hot set of girls. :-)

    1. Yeah, if you're here for the girls and their feet then give it a shot but otherwise stay away if you're into the action.
