Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The guessing game is almost done.

The guessing game should be done on September the 24 or 30 so Monday or Sunday just got to put more information on the characters and if you want to ask me questions about the characters right now feel free to ask away. And everyone is free to join the game and everyone gets three hints in the game.


  1. Replies
    1. You have to guess my characters ultimate Talent.

    2. Yes, I do, like why are doing this little game?

    3. I see. I too want to have a little fun.

    4. Yes, what kind of feet are going to be shown? Do I need to tell more details of the characters themselves? How long do you want this game to last like any time limits?

    5. I don't have pictures I want to see if you guys can guess my characters on Ultimate Talent and the characters are not all female.

    6. We have to go by information I give.

    7. Well, I responded to your comment.

    8. But how come you're not asking about the characters?

    9. You have asked me nothing about the the characters not even little info about them.

    10. I don't know what are you trying to do.

  2. Replies
    1. Do not start that again i've already put that in the past so please stop and KSC improve it for me and said it can stay.

    2. This is what KSC said. I added a couple of extra images to your post so that you could keep your post up. I also linked in the original. Just please make sure to check.
      He did that so we both can be happy.

    3. I understand but 2 images don’t justify a repost plus I’m one them she’s wearing shoes. I’m asking you nicely to please take it down and replace her with someone else. Please ( you cannot see right now but I’m smiling while saying this)

    4. *Sighs* All right... just so that we can finally drop this issue for good. I added another 8 additional barefoot images to the post. Let's please move on guys.

    5. You know what KSC I'm just going to remove it because I fear this is going to happen again.

    6. It's done but I'm not happy about removing it. I'm actually really really pissed that I had to remove it.

    7. That's what I was trying to avoid. :-(

    8. I know you did your best KSC but some people just can't be happy it's not your fault so thanks for trying 😊

  3. Awesome...I have a feeling that I might struggle with this one though since I haven't watched Danganronpa yet. Will we need to watch that anime to play?

    1. Well come back KSC but i thought you said your where coming back on Friday. And no I don't think you have to watch the show cuz this is just a fan made you just guessing my characters.

    2. Yeah just got back. Oh good... should be a lot of fun then. ^_^

    3. My bad lost track of the day it is Friday sorry. You saw the other comments to right.

    4. Yes went through all the new posts. I think I am more or less caught up now. ^_^

    5. Can you please remove some comments on here for me.

    6. Yes probably will go through all the comments and clean them up later.
