Friday, October 12, 2018

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet: Amy

It's friday again... you know what that means.... yup time for another figure tribute. Today's post is for Amy the female lead of Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet. There are three models of her in this tribute... The first is a gorgeous model of her posing with her sandals off by Megahouse.
I'm pretty this model's designer is heavily aware that feet can be considered really sexy. ^_^
This models specs are:
1/8 Scale (4 inches/12cm)
Material: PVC
Manufacturer:  Megahouse

The next model has Amy wearing a cool dancer's outfit...
Model Specs:
1/8 Scale (8 inches tall)
Material: PVC
Manufactured by QuesQ

(All of these  are various webfinds of this character)

Model Specs
1/10 Scale
Material: PVC
Manufactured by: Oceanos

Gargantia takes place in a Distant Future where a Galactic War is taking place between Alien species is taking place. The main character Ledo is thrown threw a wormhole and winds up on a more primitive planet (later revealed to be Earth). He is rescued by a ship from an Ocean called the Gargantia and winds up becoming a member of its crew.

Amy is a 15 year old messenger who befriends Ledo. She guides Ledo around the ship and helps him adapt to his new life. Eventually the the two of them form a romantic bond. She has a pet Squirrel named Grace.

Amy is really cute and these models of her are really hot. In particular I really love the first model a lot with this character sandals off  extending her foot out tempting the fetishists out there to stare at outstretched sole and admire its beauty. ^_^

Ok guys... that's it for now. Have a great weekend and as always... more to come soon!


  1. I remember this anime, she did have cute feet

    1. O.O Maybe have to try and watch it. :-)

    2. I had seen this anime and it was pretty nice.

    3. she does a barefoot belly dance scene in one episode, you might like that

    4. I remember that scene and it was pretty hot.

    5. KSC, you can watch it on this video.

    6. Now you know why that scene was awesome?

    7. Good. Enjoy that and more once you watch this anime.

  2. I saw this anime and it came out in the same season as the first season of Attack of Titan in 2013.

    1. :-D Do you recommend it? It seems like it might be fun.

    2. If you like a slower mecha series without too much action, then yes. It is more character driven than fights.

    3. It was beautiful and calm. It's only 13 episodes long along with four OVAs.

  3. That's a good one, especially tve first figure indeed. I might check a bit of the anime just for that ^^

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. He doesn't know much of this anime, Dean.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Maybe might watch the anime in the future. It seems fun. :-)

    4. Already being taking care of King so no worries

    5. I think it would be better if you do it KSC.

    6. It's fine... I have a lot of other projects to work on. I still might watch it though. It looks like a fun series. ^_^

    7. Okay but I don't see how you you can put up with that.

    8. Like I recommended over e-mail... Adaptability is good to have. I have over 100 potential posts that I'm planning out so its easy to pivot to a new one if I see someone else wants to do something I might have been planning. In this case it was easy because I haven't even watched this series yet.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. King i'm currently watching the anime as we speak and there we're alot from the first episode alone. So like my upcoming Noelle posts they might be split up into mega posts

    11. I had already saw the anime when it came out.

  5. Where does everyone watch their anime from?
