Sunday, October 28, 2018

My Top 8 Main Female Pokemon Girls

I know there's technically there's 9 at the moment but since Bonnie is like 4 it would be pedophilia to put her on the list. If you have a problem with that, well life just isn't fair for you now is it? 

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8. Iris (Pokemon Black & White-Pokémon: BW Adventures in Unova and Beyond)

I'm pretty most people can agree with me on this she's ANNOYING. In my opinion the worst of the female travelling companions. Her running joke is calling Ash a kid despite the fact she's the same way. I don't hate her though, as I've said before i'm not a fan of black girl feet and don't label me racist just because I have my preferences. But Iris is one of the few where i'd make an exception.

Best Foot Scene

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7. Lillie (Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon-Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon—Ultra Adventures)

Now here's a little confession despite me getting screencaps from this show, I usually skim the it to find foot scenes. I saw this because I've never actually saw one episode of this series from beginning to end. This is mainly because I kinda gave up on the anime after the wasted potential the XY anime gave us. But that's a different story Lillie is super cute and I would love to give her a hug. As for her feet I would gladly give her foot rubs and sh*t i'd do it for free.

Best Foot Scene

6. Lana (Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon-Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon—Ultra Adventures)

You thought she'd be higher didn't you? Yeah despite her being the first female traveling companion to wear sandals in her primary outfit there is one issue. She rarely takes off sandals and is rarely barefoot. While this doesn't bother me as much as it does other people it's still co*k teasing at it's finest not Yu-Gi-oh! bad but still. Regardless it's nice to have a protagonist that shows her toes.

Best Foot Scene

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5. Mallow (Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon-Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon—Ultra Adventures)

Yep believe or not Mallow is my favorite Sun and Moon girl. Unfortunately it seems she's barefoot the least out of all the female characters but when she is I can just smell the scent of her caramel colored feet.

Best Foot Scene

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4. Serena (Pokémon the Series: XY-Pokémon the Series: XYZ)

I prefer her earlier design but she was great character. She's the first female traveling companion since Misty to have a thing for Ash. I think Amourshipping (AshxSerena) is the best shipping that could've been canon. I believe XY would have been a perfect place to end Ash's story, have him win the Kalos league and be with Serena and have the next series focus on a new protagonist maybe Ash and Serena's son. Even though that would arguably make the anime better that's not what happens. But still she has some beautiful feet if Ash was to dense to noticed then i'll take care of them.

Best Foot Scene

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3. May (Pokémon Advanced-Pokémon: Battle Frontier)

She has one of the best shoes in the anime and I always fantasize about removing them and her black socks and rub her adorable feet. Her feet were so beautiful especially in the Pokemon movies.

Best Foot Scene

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2. Misty (Pokémon -Pokémon Master Quest)

She was the best footwear out of all the Pokemon girls. I grew up with the original Pokemon anime but wasn't really into her until much later. She likes to soak her feet and swim and her feet were amazing. I'd slowly take off her sneakers and do what ever I could to those feet.

Best Foot Scene

1. Dawn (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl -Pokémon DP Sinnoh League Victors)

As I mentioned in my Top 10 Waifus list Dawn favorite of Ash's female traveling companions. Even though I grew up with older days of Pokemon Misty just didn't do it for me until later and even then I still like Dawn better. The first episode of the Diamond and Pearl set the stage for my enjoyment for this character. I've always had dreams of taking her boots off and smelling them. Keep in mind I was 12-13 when this anime came out because she's 10. Why does Pokemon keep drawing their 10 year old like teenagers I can't be the only one thinking this.

Best Foot Scene


  1. I only know Dawn, Serena and Misty. Why did you do this, GumballW?

    1. May was a crybaby in my opinion but. I don't hate her.

    2. I don't hate her either. Iris is my least favorite.

    3. I stopped watching the anime after Diamond and Pearl and skipped Black and White and XY altogether.

    4. I stopped watching after Master Quest.

    5. Do you plan on going back to the anime, Dan?

    6. I don't think so. It's changed too much from the good old 4Kids days. Voices are different too. I would have gotten rid of Team Rocket though. Most annoying and pathetic bad guys in the world. Should've given up a long time ago.

    7. I see. What about the main games, Dan? Had you stopped playing them?

    8. Yeah, I only played the original red/blue, yellow, and gold/silver.

    9. So you only played the original games and not the later ones. I only stopped after FireRed on the GBA and Colosseum on the GameCube.

  2. when will better photos of lisa's feet come?

  3. For recurring girls Misty will always be my #1. And for non-recurring and one episode wonders, I like Duplica, Alanna, Arielle, Jasmine, Sakura, Bailey, and Cherry.

  4. Misty is always best girl, and Lana is a tease

    1. Actually the best foot scene from May would be the Sharpedo Attack episode

  5. Good list, but I disagree on leaving Bonnie out, because putting her on the list would not be pedophilia.

  6. Great set of Pokemon characters GumballW. ^_^

    1. Do you know any of these characters from Pokemon? I only know the ones from one to four.

    2. I know all of them to a certain degree.

    3. You're still watching the anime?

    4. I stopped around the Advance series with May but I've played almost all of the Pokemon games.

    5. I stopped watching the anime after Diamond and Pearl with Dawn but I had not played the later main Pokemon games like Black & White or X/Y. I stopped playing after FireRed for the GBA and Colosseum on the GameCube.

    6. I played almost all of the portable games but missed Black and White 2. I haven't played any of the console ones though. I'm currently playing though Ultra Sun. :-)

    7. I see. I don't know if I should get back to the portable main games of Pokemon after over a decade.

  7. Isnt putting any of them in pedophilia since they’re all like 10..?

  8. Really old post, I know, but Bonnie actually has my favorite feet of all Pokémon girls. She's a fictional character, so I think it's perfectly fine to love her feet, and yes, I would lick her feet with no hesitation. Now if she was a real person, that would be one thing. But she isn't, and even if she were real, I'd still find her feet to be really cute.
