Friday, October 19, 2018

Naruto Gals: Sakura Haruno Splash Version (Figure)

Today's Figure Feet Friday post is a tribute to the lead female character of Naruto Sakura Haruno. :-) 
Accessories sold with the model. ^_^
(Various webfinds of this figure)

More Anime Feet posts involving Sakura:

Model Specs:
Naruto Gals Sakura Haruno Splash Version
Manufacturer: Megahouse
Size: 200mm (7.87 inches) tall
Intended Release Date: January 30th 2019

This figure is from a series of models called the Naruto Gals line. There are planning a few Swimsuit models of their characters known as Splash versions which will be released in 2019. I have to give its makers a lot of credit. They really made Sakura look incredibly sexy. I hope that they release a swimsuit model for Ino as well. ^_^

Ok I'll leave you guys to enjoy these images for now. As always though...more to come soon!


  1. I love her swimsuit but not Sakura herself.

    1. As you know Ino is my favorite in this series. I hope that they eventually do a model for her. :-)

    2. I was hoping for that and Hinata, she's one of my favorite girls in Naruto.

    3. Of course she is great. She is much sweeter too.

    4. I think it is likely that they'll release a Hinata swimsuit model too. The company already has done a figure for her. They just need to release a Splash version.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. That would be nice if they make one.
