Saturday, October 27, 2018

Noein: To Your Other Self: Haruka Kaminogi 4/Finale (Mega-post)

Here are the rest of the images of the cute and spunky Haruka. These are taken from Episodes 16-24, and this post will also include home media cover art, doujinshi covers, and fan art. Click here to see my previous post. Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Thank you to either KSC or Match for getting rid of that pointless argument which upset me greatly. And to Dean, apology accepted, and thanks for liking these images. And Gumball, even if I don't hear from you, you're forgiven too. Let's all continue to make this one of the best blogs in the world.

    1. Sure. ^_^ Sorry the slow response Dan. Last week was insanely hectic but I tried to peek in from time to time just to make sure things were running smoothly even if I didn't get the chance to respond and comment in detail.

      Also great mega-post. ^_^ Really a spectacular set of images for Haruka. ^_^

    2. I see. Maybe you need a break from blogging.

    3. Always, she is my #1 waifu after all. Not to mention the president of my Zubon Hadashi Girlfriends.
