Friday, October 5, 2018

OS Idol: Win Chan

Today's Figure Friday post is a cute personification of the Windows Operating system called Win- Chan. ^_^

(Various webfinds of this model collected from across the net.)

There are 3 models being represented in this tribute for her. One is a 1/8th pvc model of the character in a swimsuit. Another is a sexy 1/6 standing model of her released by Night Blue. The last one is an adorable 1/7 PVC model of her entitled Win Chan version 2.

When I first saw this character and learned her name I didn't make the connection to the Windows operating system. It was only after googling the character and finding information on her that I realized what her designers were going for. Now looking at the character (particularly with the first model)... I can see the comparison right away. If you guys have seen the Windows logo, the color scheme of her swimsuit is a perfect match. ^_^ In addition to that most of the older marketing for windows placed the logo over a cloud background so the white and blue makes a lot of sense. ^_^

She definitely is a sexy representation of the operating system. ^_^ I think between her and Cortana. Microsoft definitely how to use hot female avatars to market their products. :-)

Ok... I'm going to be attending New York Comic Con on Saturday and Sunday so I'm going to be on much over the next couple of days. If I find any cool foot related information on Comic Book, Anime, Videogame or Cartoons while I'm there... I'll be sure share them with you guys.

Anyway, have a great weekend and as always... more to come soon!