Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sailor Moon Crystal: Makoto Kino

Day 3 and time to give Makoto Kino some love for being the power-type Sailor Guardian as Sailor Jupiter, and despite not being my favorite girl in the series I still want to show my gratitude to her since she is cool and strong. Since I couldn't find any decent foot scenes on her in the first season of the original series, I decided to use the reboot instead since most of them are from Episode 17.


  1. Mako is awesome! She's got a great personality too.

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, she is a cute housemaid and cook. I think the episode where Minako was taking care of her friends during that flu scene was where Mako's hair was down.

  3. This romance scene just came right out of nowhere. never mind the painfully contrived way this episode wrote her out of the arc.

  4. I Saw this scene. This was when Makoto was fighting a clone of herself. I feel there a Ryuko-chan's aura.
