Monday, October 29, 2018

Sailor Moon Crystal: Setsuna Meiou

She's also known as Sailor Pluto and the gatekeeper of time and space. She has the specific duty of forbidding anyone to pass through the Gateway of Time and Space without permission otherwise that person will be lost forever or worse die off if he or she is not careful. Sometime after the events of R, she temporarily managed to leave the gates of time and space in order to live as an human being, later joined with Sailors Uranus and Neptune, and become an university student studying physics. As Sailor Pluto, she can control time and space which are somewhat tied with the destructive power of Sailor Saturn but was forbidden to use her powers because it can causes distortion. Out of the Sailor Guardians, she has one of the least appearances throughout the series. Only Episode 32 or Episode 6 in Season 3 was the good foot scene of her. 

As you can see, I haven't find much of her foot pictures since most of it are taken away. If you want more, check out KingsSideCastle's post.


  1. I wish this site had an app I could download from the store

    1. You mean Google Play or the App Store on iPhones?

  2. So Setsuna's and Minako's birthday is October 29th? That's the date I was born. :D

  3. Love the one with Setsuna, Hotaru, and Chibiusa.

  4. :-D Gotta love the senshi of Time and Space.

    1. Sadly, she didn't get any foot scenes of the original anime either.

    2. It a shame because she is really attractive. ^_^

    3. Yeah, I know. Even in Crystal.

  5. The way they just killed her of in the Black Moon arc, then just immediately forgot about her was just plain bad... :/
