Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Smell of An Girl's Feet

For those who didn't like my other personal discussion post on Foot Odor post with different footwear, this is my next post but this time, this question is: What kind of scent do you like on an girl's feet, something sweet or fresh out of the shower or bath kind of nice fragrance? If you don't like that, then, how about her feet became odorless for those who prefer that?


  1. Odorless or smelling good would be nice.

  2. Stinky, smelly feet: NOT MY STYLE

    Clean and smooth feet: Definitely my style.

    1. You perfer sweet smelling feet?

    2. My preferences are my preferences. I'm not in for the odor, I'm in for the design and the smooth texture.

    3. So soft smooth feet are your favorites?

    4. Same here. I just want to rub soft and smooth feet of girls.

  3. I would prefer odorless and clean. Smoothness or roughness is not really a major factor for me, but I can not deal with deformed feet, dirty feet, dry and crusty feet, or diseased feet (ie: athlete's foot, nail infections, etc). That's my opinion.

  4. Like I said before: Foot odor is GROSS. Girls who are always barefoot don't have this problem. The only thing that can save a girl with foot odor is that both her and her feet are pretty, otherwise, it is GROSS.
