Friday, November 2, 2018

Boarding School Juliet: Chartreux Westia

She's Juliet's longtime friend, an member of the White Cats, and First Princess of the West, she is one of the very few students who knows Juliet's love relationship with Romero and she had been with her since they were kids and always protecting her from harm. As the years went by, she kept a close eye on Juliet and her love interest with Romero while enjoying teasing others like Scott, her right handed man and first-year student. I won't go into details about this series because I have no interest of it but I will show you this set of pictures is from the third episode.
Some Animation


  1. Why did they cut the shot from the manga?

  2. Replies
    1. Do you plan on worshipping her feet?

    2. Do you love nail polish like me on toenails of female feet? Dean hates that. I was wondering if this was a good idea to show pedicures.

  3. It would be great if it wasn't for the paint toe nails.

    1. They look fine as they are since red is my favorite color.

    2. Maybe someone else would like painted toenails like me.

    3. Dean, what kind of feet do you prefer?

    4. Once with out painted toe nails most of the time.

    5. OK, you hate nail polish. What else do you want on an pair of feet? Nothing special?

    6. There doesn't need to be anything special on a girl feet. She doesn't need tell ring she doesn't need nail polish she doesn't need anything.

    7. Why do you get mad just because I don't like nail polish on a girl's feet.

    8. I am not mad about it. I just want to know why nail polish isn't for their feet in your opinion. Like why do you ever love an girl's feet if you're not to do anything with them or at least admire their beauty? What do you like about feet to be honesty?

    9. I've told you i love the detail and how they look and imagine how they feel how warm they are and what sweet smell they have. I don't really care for what they have on a like nail polish or toe ring that doesn't count as Beauty to me.

    10. So don't post any more polished toenails? I still want to show more.

    11. I'm not post it just to please myself I post from people to see.

    12. Does this mean I cannot do the same by pleasing everyone? Maybe I should stop just for you.

    13. I mean, should I stop posting stuff like pedicured feet?

    14. No you shouldn't have to stop do what you like.

    15. OK, but I don't want you to be angry at me for painted toenails. I have a thing for pedicures.
