Saturday, November 10, 2018

Dead or Alive Foot Festival

It is time for Round 2 of this Foot Festival Fighting Gaming Month, let's take a trip with Kasumi in Dead or Alive, this is one fighting series that has fanservice than most fighting games I played and even though I never played a DOA game, I do know a little on the series. As usual, the same rules apply. And the announcment of the sixth main DOA game coming out next year, I figured this is the post for the girls of DOA.

Dead or Alive

Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 3

Dead or Alive Ultimate

Dead or Alive 4

Dead or Alive 5/Plus/Ultimate/Last Round

Dead or Alive Dimensions


  1. Like I said, I'm content with the girls just showing off their feet. As for who I like, all the DOA girls in DOA Paradise. Kasumi and Hitomi are awesome. Leifang and Tina Armstrong are pretty cool. Helena Douglas and Kokoro are very pretty. Ayane's attitude stinks, but I still think she's cool. And deep down, I know she wants to have a good sisterly relationship with Kasumi. Lisa Hamilton I have a neutral feeling for, but she's very knowledgable. And Christie, while pretty, I just don't like her as much, but who does? Either way, they all look great on the beach.

    1. Heavens no! I think they're a great idea. Picture this, a panel discussion with all the girls mentioned above, but rather than tables or desks, all the girls in comfortable chairs with their bare feet propped up on ottomans in your general direction. Does that sound hot?

    2. Sounds fine by me or even better have interviews with those girls to explain more about their feet and an hour foot worship session.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. How would you plan your foot convention?

    2. Like what are your plans for bringing in more girls for your foot convention?

    3. Just making sure everyone has a safe and good time. In my imagination, there would also be complementary food and lodging. You know, out here in Connecticut, we have a convention center in Hartford, with a Marriott hotel attached. Freebies always draw lots of crowds.

    4. I see. How would you end your foot convention?

    5. Ooh, I'd have to think about that one. That's a good question. But one idea involves all the girls dancing it out to the songs, Move Your Feet by Junior Senior, and Can't Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake, with a few pyrotechnics at the end. That would be a good way to end it.

    6. I see. That's nice. Who would you like to fantasize?

    7. Practically all the girls I've customized and posted. Especially the ones in long pants, and my #1 waifu, Haruka Kaminogi.

    8. Oh yes! I posted over 300 images of her on the animefeet wikia page, and they're all here too in 2 posts from me, and 2 posts from GumballW. Check it out here:

      I wrote her character profile too. Read that, and you'll understand why she has so many barefoot scenes.

    9. Wow, she is an heavyweight in terms of feet.

    10. That's a good way to put it. Haruka was voiced by Haruka Kudo in Japanese, and Melissa Fahn in English. Melissa also voiced Rika in Digimon (Tamers), and Ed in Cowboy Bebop.

  3. :-) My favorite character in this series is Ayane.

    1. I like the purple hair and she is a ninja.

    2. I see. Never played any of the DOA games.

    3. I only have DOA Paradise for PSP. It's a fun alternative to the fighting in the main series. You always try to make sure whichever girl you control (and their partner if you choose to have one) have a good time in the 2 weeks on Zack Island.

    4. I see. You prefer DOA Beach Volleyball?

    5. Yes. Not to mention the leap pad game, butt bumping game, seeing clips of all the girls relaxing around the island, and gambling in the casino.
