Thursday, December 10, 2020

Inuyasha: Shiori

She's a hanyō born from a human mother and a bat demon father named Tsukuyomaru. She came from an clan of bat yōkai who preyed on the blood of humans and animals but her father is different, he doesn't kill humans and eventually fell in love with her mother, Shizu. She very timid and quiet due to her being discriminated in her village at an early age. She loves her mother very much and does not want to see her get hurt, either physically or emotionally. She also have the Blood Coral Crystal, which is an crystal ball that held from precious generations of the demon bat clan and is the source of their accumulated power of protecting the barrier from intruders. These are from Episodes 73 and 74.


  1. I forgot this show had other half demons besides Inuyasha. She's the one who helped him upgrade his tessaiga to break through Naraku's barrier with this one bat demon's blood, right?

  2. That's good. I do remember it too.

  3. We both know it. Kagome and Rin are my favorites. Hopefully we can repost Rin.

  4. Since she has a lot of foot scenes since she's always barefooted, it will be a while before a repost is out.

  5. Love Shiori. Her mother Shizu is a very strong-willed woman as well. I wish we could have seen them both again.

    1. Since she and her mother are both barefooted, this is what we got from them.

    2. Yeah, I wondered if there was more for Shizu or not.

  6. Nice Custom. Great work on this series. ^_^
