Saturday, November 17, 2018

Maze: The Megaburst Space: Randy

Randy is a young and smart fairy from the fantasy world the series takes place in. She's about the size of Tinkerbell, and she's always barefoot. These shots (minus the intro shots) are all from the OVA episodes. Images from the TV series will come at a later time. But for now, enjoy this pink-haired cutie. 😊

Randy as she appears in the OVA
Randy as she appears in the TV series


  1. At least, you got Randy covered. Why do all of the fairies in isekai series had to be female and barefooted?

    1. No clue. And funny you should mention that all the fairies are female. This is a crazy series, and here's a crazy fact about it. In order to have offspring, at different points in the year all the fairies become human for one day. And their goal is to sleep with a man and get pregnant, and that's how they procreate. Crazy and unreal scenario in the world we live in, but in that fantasy world apparently anything goes. I apologize if that was TMI.

    2. I see. I do remember Randy saying that offspring stuff. I found it weird but since this is an isekai series, anything can happen. I mean, one of the most seen species I know were elf humans.

  2. always like cute barefoot fairies

  3. Replies
    1. Why do all female fairies go barefooted?

    2. :-) Maybe they don't need to protect their feet as much because their wings allow them to fly inside of walk.

    3. Imagine if they are grown to human size, then their feet will be more exposed.

    4. Randy did become human for one day in Episode 21. But she was on the beach for most of the episode. And she did actually put sandals on when she went out on the street. Also, some fairies wear shoes, like Tinkerbell and her fellow fairies in her movies, and Primera from Rayearth.

    5. I see. I had seen Rayearth. By the way, do you watch anime on a daily basics? If so, what anime is your starting point?

    6. Not anymore. But when I do, I devote my spare time to one series on DVD. Last one I re-watched was Shingu. And during the holidays, that period is completely devoted to Christmas specials. Too bad there aren't too many anime Christmas specials.

    7. I see. Do you plan on stopping watching anime?

    8. Of course not. I'd never give that up.

    9. I guess anime is important to you.
