Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Sailor Moon S: Haruka Tenoh

Also known as Sailor Uranus, she is an ignorant yet protective, caring, strong person, she is the yin to Michiru's yang. Before becoming a Sailor Guardian, she was an popular athletic and was an expert racer despite the fact, she was barely 16 when she started racing as an hobby. However, the timing of her birthday to the Japanese school year meant that she is one grade ahead of the main Sailor Soldiers. Her relationship with Michiru was a bit complex and not implicitly sexual until later on. She is highly private, able to tease others mostly girls while becoming flustered if teased herself, and has a hard time with confessions. As Sailor Uranus, her attacks are mostly power-type like World Shaking, Space Sword Blaster (after she received her Talisman, the Space Sword), and Space Turbulence. I'm using her version from the original anime, which in this case, the third season. Episodes include: 8, 14, 15, and 16.

Episode 97
Episode 103

Episode 104

Episode 105


  1. Even though she's not one of my favorite characters, she's still very lovely. Oh, and Custom, you may want to edit Haruka's last name, there's an extra a at the end of it.

    1. Well, I don't really like her stubbornness, or her refusal to reason. But she genuinely has good intentions. And I usually spell Tenoh like that, or Tenou. And I really wasn't fond of her and Michiru's actions at the end of S and Stars. But don't get me wrong, they both are truly good people. And I totally approve of their relationship.

  2. Nice,she's one of my personal favorites

  3. Uranus is not my favorite Sailor Guardian either.

  4. You're outta her league anyway.

  5. Except Haruka. Probably cuz she's the only one who can handle her.
