Monday, December 10, 2018

Ashigei No Komura Chapter 1 Highlights

Ok everyone, following up on  last Thursday's post. I got a chance to read through the first chapter of Komura's serialized manga translated. It did not disappoint and was as awesome as I could have hoped. Basically 30 pages of Komura showing off her foot control abilities and the male lead Tsukinaga being stunned/impressed by her skills. Here are some highlights. :-)
Manga Quote - Komura: I'm Komurai Komura! I was raised in an Acrobatics Troupe, and I perform with my feet. ^_^ 
Talk about a great introduction. O.O
Every fetishists reaction to touching an attractive girl's feet. :-D
(A Special Thank you to Shadowmandude for finding a translated version of the Manga so quickly. :-D)

Foot Control Abilities Komura Displayed This Chapter:
Picking up/moving objects - Komura used her feet to move/pick up objects throughout i.e. using her toes to grab her slippers and using her feet to move chairs.
Handshake - Komura had her own foot related spin on a handshake. :-D
Reading - The Foot Girl reads her textbook using her toes to turn the pages.
Writing on a Blackboard - Komura wrote her name on the chalkboard with style
Note Taking - She used her feet to take notes even more impressive is that her penmanship was perfect.
Window Washing - Assisting with cleaning her classroom. Komura wiped done the windows with her feet. Tsukinaga asked her to wipe the windows normally but it turns out normal for her is using her feet. ^_^;
Sweeping the Floor - When asked to show off her foot skills. Komura enthusiastically picked up a broom and scrubbed the floor with feet. To make things even cooler, she did this in a Yoga pose stretching her feet over her head.

This chapter was a great introduction to Komura. She's shown the be a sweet and energetic girl with a very particular set of skills. ^_^ Needless to say new chapters of this series is something that I'll be looking forward to reading every month. ^_^

Until next time everyone!


  1. Komura is an serious contender to be a foot queen. I would want her to show me everything she can do with her feet. Also, it seems like you will post more of this manga in the future.

    1. Yeah I think she could easily be considered a foot queen just from her amazing foot control. Yeah chapter 1 didn't disappoint. Hopefully they'll be a lot more material for her in the future. :-D

    2. Don't worry, they will be more of her and this manga will get better. Just prepare for some serious Komura handy foot focus later and she might surprise us.

    3. Excited to see what happens next in the manga. ^_^

    4. Me, too. I might do future posts on this manga. Can I do that?

    5. Sure. :-D Go for it. The more tributes and people posting her the better.

    6. OK. I just want to draft it first.

  2. Replies
    1. I know, KSC, I wonder how those scenes would be animated.

    2. I really hope the series makes it to animation. If it makes it that far, I imagine that we would see quite a lot of Komura's feet in it.

    3. Yeah, there might be some original anime scenes with newer ways for Komura to show off her feet.

    4. That would be really cool plus we would get to see her feet in motion. Imagine her wiggling her toes. ^_^

    5. Kawaii! Kawaii! ^_^ That would be awesome!

    6. Assuming we get an anime adaption with the kinda animation quality you two are talking about, might not be for another 2-3 years before we see it on the screen, 4 if they need to improve on a few areas.

    7. I know, Noah. It is possible that quality would drop in some episodes and budget might suffer too.

    8. And another thing to consider is which studio would pick this up, that alone would determine how this anime would play out. I suppose Trigger could given their fanservice in SSSS Gridman....

    9. I would say yes but I would pick Xebec or Arms due to their long experience with heavy fanservice anime on stuff like Keijo and Queen's Blade.

    10. Just hope the manga proves popular enough that they adapt it into anime form even if it still might be awhile off. :-)

    11. And I really hope this DOES get turned into an anime, because when it comes to fanservice, it's ALWAYS bewbs and asses, Keijo was basically bewbs and asses, but with a story.
      Hell, even thighs have now made their mark in anime in SSSS Gridman, but feet? Sure we get some shots here and there, and the occasional eye candy, but other than that, feet haven't been represented save for I would say Fairy Tail and a few others.

    12. It is true... we need more animes that cater to foot fans. ^_^

    13. I'm with you, KingsSideCastle. The only anime I can think of for foot fans is Garden of Words.

    14. O.O I really have to watch that one one day. ^_^

    15. It wasn't that long. It is only around 47 minutes long and got an English dub.

    16. Yeah, the foot scenes were so breathtaking and gorgeous.

    17. Trust me, you will love it as an foot fan.

  3. I want to have a footshake with her.

    1. Me, too. Just imagine how tender, smooth and soft her feet are.

    2. :-D Yeah judging from the male lead's reaction... he really seemed to enjoy the experience. I imagine it must be a lot of fun.

  4. She really is fantastic, and I'm glad her series is continuing. I hope we get to see her feet dirty!

  5. Her feet, his couple of the year.

  6. Hmm..somewhere along these lines she will have competition with the same abilities as her.

    1. Yeah I think so. It would make sense that the manga gives her someone to compete with. :-)

    2. Who knows? It might be a male rival.

    3. I imagine that they might have a male character with an overt Foot Fetish that pursues Komura that would make Tsukinaga jealous.

    4. Yes, would you like to see that happen in this manga?

  7. The one-shot had much better art quality, unfortunately. And I'm not into the extremely forced cliched engagement plot. :\ Here's hoping it improves with time!

    1. It will probably get better in art quality. It takes time for something to develop.

    2. I actually thought both versions looked pretty good Atomic Chinchilla but you have the artistic background so you might have a keener eye for details than me. In any case I'll keep an eye to see how this anime develops as well. :-)

    3. I don't know, yeah, I can tell the difference between the one shot and the ongoing, but I like how the ongoing is doing.

    4. Yeah seems to be doing pretty well. Excited to read the next chapter.

  8. So glad I found this. Ever since Bleach ended, no other manga has piqued my interest until now.

    Can't wait for the anime adaptation :)
