Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san: Some Highlights (So Far)

Ever since the news on the one-shot finally getting its own full-fledged manga, I figured to share of my highlights of the manga. So this is just from the second and third chapters, I will have more later as soon as more chapters are available. This will be another early Christmas present for foot fans everywhere since Christmas itself will be next Tuesday. Enjoy!  ^_^
Now this is what I call a real foot wedding. :-)
Foot Control Abilities Komura Displayed These Chapters: 
Picking Up and Holding on People - Komura used her feet to pick up/hold objects and humans throughout i.e. using her toes to grab something or someone and using her feet as hands.
Texting - Komura had her own foot related ability to make a phone call or text.
Foot Emotions - The Foot Queen has shown her feet to express her emotions towards people like embarrassment will increase her body temperature on her feet.
Using Other Peoples' Feet - Demonstrated that she can use another person's feet as a trampoline to give her faster speed and jump distance.
Fixing Clothing - Komura can fix an person's clothes like a crooked tie without using her hands. 
These chapters had further demonstrate Komura's abilities as an barefoot acrobat. She had shown that she cared for the main protagonist. Nevertheless, new chapters of this manga is something that I'll be looking forward to reading every month next year. ^_^ By the way, the dream scene at the beginning of the second chapter was so good. ^_^ Also, the fourth chapter will be "Komura-san's Homemade Bento?!", I'm assuming she will use her feet to cook delicious food for lunch. I wonder how her bento would taste like. 


  1. OMG! This girl would probably win all the competitions in Gumball's M.V.F. club.

    1. I agree. Like she would be the winner of Miss Foot Queen Awards.

    2. I don't know about her being Queen because a lot of other girl female barefoot characters like morgiana, Mavis,

    3. Those two girls will be her competitors.

    4. Question is Dean, what kinda tricks can they do with their feet that Komura can't?

    5. Well Noah, i don't know if Mavis can do anything special with her feet but there something she probably could do.

      And we all ready know that Morgiana is very skilled with her feet there's probably a lot more stuff she can do with her feet.

    6. Morgiana is a better barefooter in my opinion.

  2. For a moment I thought King uploaded this.

  3. The more I read of her, the more I wanna see the bottoms of her feet get black! I hope that happens someday!

  4. She is crazy talented with her feet.

  5. Komura continues to deliver. Great to see more of her foot skills on display. :-)
