Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Dirty Feet Meeting

Imagine if all of the girls you love did have very dirty feet after they removed their shoes, socks, heels, and every footwear from walking or running around barefoot on the ground, grass, and everywhere in public and back, would you clean them or keep the dirt, filth, mud, or pitch-black everywhere on their feet from toes to heels? Once you made your decision, would you let the girls go barefoot in your meeting on random business project on how to create a foot product?


  1. If the product is Foot Cleaning or Foot Spa product... maybe the girls can use their dirty feet to help with the demonstration.

    1. Yes, that is what this post about. Like a demonstration of a foot cleaning product that give off a spa feeling.

  2. Love A barefoot woman in uniform and business attire :) Nkt much into djrty feet tho

  3. Bet you already know my answer! I'd have their feet stay dirty and let them be barefoot whenever they wanted!

    1. So no clean feet are allowed to your daycare center?

    2. Well, we'd usually encourage the girls to get their feet as black as possible.

    3. That wouldn't be a problem for 10 year-old Ronja as she goes barefoot everywhere she goes through the woods and grasslands in Medieval times. She'd look perfect in your boardroom or daycare.

    4. Hehe, sounds adorable! It'd be great to see her put her feet up, showing the black bottoms and wiggling her toes!

    5. I know that Custom. I was just informing Layne about her. I should send you some promotional images when I get a chance.

    6. I got it and I was going to post Ronja next year.
