Friday, December 7, 2018

Jungle Girl (Figure)

A special treat today. This week's Figure Friday post is a sexy model of title character from Dynamite's Jungle Girl series. :-) The model is very nicely inspired by Frank Cho's comic book artwork. For those not familiar with that artist. He is known for drawing incredibly sexy women as you'll see below. :-D
(These are all various webfinds of the character. A lot of images were capped from this Statue Review and Unboxing video here. I recommend watching it. It gives you really good review of the above statue)

Model Specs: 
Jungle Girl (Limited Edition)
Series: Women of Dynamite
Size:  9 inches/12 inches with base
Based on Artwork From: Frank Cho
Material: Cold Cast Porcelain (Hand-Painted)
Sculpted by: Jason Smith

This model is part of a series called the Women of Dynamite which covers women from Dynamite Comic books such as Red Sonja and Vapirella. There are multiple versions of this model available with alternate poses. There's also a Black and White version of this model available as well. ^_^

A little bit of history on Jungle Girl. The Dynamite comic book series is based a Hanna-Barbera cartoon called Jana of the Jungle from 1978. The title character of both series is Jana Skyborn. In the classic Jungle Princess Trope, Jana's parent wound up stranded on a primitive island. Think savage land from the Marvel Comic books complete with Dinosaurs, a Jungle environment and Wild Beasts. Akin to Tarzan, having grown up that location, Jana has learned to thrive. She's become really strong and is an expert at hunting and tracking and she can communicate with the animals living there to a certain extent. :-) The plot of her series involves a plane from modern society crash landing on her island and Jana using her skills to help the survivors adjust to their new environment. 

Jana is a very cool character and following the typical Jungle girl motif, her attire is minimal and she tends to be barefoot pretty often allowing us to enjoy some great views of her feet. The Dynamite series is 10 issues long (2 Five issue mini-series). I'm hoping to get ahold of the series and post the best moments of her for you guys in a later tribute. If I can find the Hanna-Barbera series... I'll try to cap and post that as well so definitely more Jana to come. Actually I would love to do a series of post on different Jungle themed characters. (Maybe a series to look forward to in 2019 :-D) In any case more Jungle Women's feet are in this blog's future.

Thanks for reading. :-D


  1. Got to love amazon women, they always give us good foot shots

  2. She's and awful lot like Shanna from Savage land.

    1. Both members of the Jungle princess trope. I think both characters are inspired by Sheena... the original jungle girl.

  3. Can always count on blonde jungle girls to bring the service.

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