Saturday, December 1, 2018

My Favorite Pokemon Girls

I had made a Top 10 list of my favorite Pokemon girls from the movies, now it is time for me to do the same for the girls within the main anime series. Again, this is all of my personal choices and not the ones that should have been on the list for your own reasons. Secondly, I largely stopped watching the anime after Sinnoh League Victors of Diamond and Pearl due to how the show kept jumping from TV syndication to Kids WB! to Cartoon Network and to Disney XD along with my feelings for anime had changed after high school. Same question on whose feet do you want to fantasize and admire still apply here. Anyway, let's get started.
1. Misty
2. May
3. Dawn
4. Maylene
5. Serena
6. Sabrina
7. Zoey
8. Aria (XY)
9. Cynthia
10. Shauna (Advanced)
You may have noticed I didn't add any girls from Black and White or Sun and Moon, that is because I didn't care much about those two series and both were skipped over due to my lack of interest on the female characters within them. Number 8 on this list I know the least despite her beauty. Some girls like Misty, May, and Dawn are my childhood crushes and waifus, not to mention, those three have such lovely feet and swimsuits during certain episodes.
Here are some of my favorite foot scenes:





  1. Sabrina and Cynthia out lf the choices available

  2. :-) Nice list Custom. My favorite Pokemon women are May, Misty, Dawn, Flannery, Officer Jenny, Claire, Iris, Cynthia and Lorelei.

  3. Replies
    1. I picked her since she is one of my favorites.

  4. But...but....iris was the best of them all 😫

    1. This is my list, not yours. I don't really care for Iris.

  5. Very nice list, dude. Mine are, Serena, Dawn, May, Maylene and Iris.

  6. Iris and Misty and her sister lilly also can't forget delia ketchum
